dmfs / color-picker

Just another color picker for Android
Apache License 2.0
58 stars 16 forks source link

in PreferenceFragment #9

Open bidasknakayama opened 6 years ago

bidasknakayama commented 6 years ago

in PreferenceFragment, When I click "preference", I want to open the color-picker. I tried....

but In PreferenceFragment, I could not find , resolve ", "");" this line... Please help...

'public static class ColorPreferenceFragment extends ConfigFragment implements ColorPickerDialogFragment.ColorDialogResultListener {

    private static final String TAG = "ColorPreferenceFragment";

    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        // Bind the summaries of EditText/List/Dialog/Ringtone preferences
        // to their values. When their values change, their summaries are
        // updated to reflect the new value, per the Android Design
        // guidelines.

    public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item) {
        int id = item.getItemId();
        if (id == {
            startActivity(new Intent(getActivity(), SettingActivity.class));
            return true;
        return super.onOptionsItemSelected(item);

    private void addMyListener() {
        Preference pref = (Preference) findPreference("connectToNewComputer");

        pref.setOnPreferenceClickListener(new Preference.OnPreferenceClickListener()
            public boolean onPreferenceClick(Preference pref)

                return true;
    private String mSelectedPalette = null;
    private final static int[] COLORS = new int[] {
            0xff000000, 0xff0000ff, 0xff00ff00, 0xffff0000, 0xffffff00, 0xff00ffff, 0xffff00ff, 0xff404040,
            0xff808080, 0xff8080ff, 0xff80ff80, 0xffff8080, 0xffffff80, 0xff80ffff, 0xffff80ff, 0xffffffff };

    private final static int[] MATERIAL_COLORS_PRIMARY = {
            0xffe91e63, 0xfff44336, 0xffff5722, 0xffff9800, 0xffffc107, 0xffffeb3b, 0xffcddc39, 0xff8bc34a,
            0xff4caf50, 0xff009688, 0xff00bcd4, 0xff03a9f4, 0xff2196f3, 0xff3f51b5, 0xff673ab7, 0xff9c27b0 };

    private static final int MATERIAL_COLORS_SECONDARY[] = {
            0xffad1457, 0xffc62828, 0xffd84315, 0xffef6c00, 0xffff8f00, 0xfff9a825, 0xff9e9d24, 0xff558b2f,
            0xff2e7d32, 0xff00695c, 0xff00838f, 0xff0277bd, 0xff1565c0, 0xff283593, 0xff4527a0, 0xff6a1b9a };
    private void openColorPicker(){

        ColorPickerDialogFragment d = new ColorPickerDialogFragment();

        ArrayList<Palette> palettes = new ArrayList<Palette>();

        palettes.add(new ArrayPalette("material_primary", "Material Colors", MATERIAL_COLORS_PRIMARY, 4));
        palettes.add(new ArrayPalette("material_secondary", "Dark Material Colors", MATERIAL_COLORS_SECONDARY, 4));

        // add a palette from the resources
        /*palettes.add(ArrayPalette.fromResources(this, "base",

        palettes.add(new ArrayPalette("base2", "Base 2", COLORS));

        // Android Material color schema
        // Add a palette with rainbow colors
        palettes.add(new FactoryPalette("rainbow", "Rainbow", ColorFactory.RAINBOW, 16));

        // Add a palette with many darker rainbow colors
        palettes.add(new FactoryPalette("rainbow2", "Dirty Rainbow", new RainbowColorFactory(0.5f, 0.5f), 16));

        // Add a palette with pastel colors
        palettes.add(new FactoryPalette("pastel", "Pastel", ColorFactory.PASTEL, 16));

        // Add a palette with red+orange colors
        palettes.add(new FactoryPalette("red/orange", "Red/Orange", new CombinedColorFactory(ColorFactory.RED, ColorFactory.ORANGE), 16));

        // Add a palette with yellow+green colors
        palettes.add(new FactoryPalette("yellow/green", "Yellow/Green", new CombinedColorFactory(ColorFactory.YELLOW, ColorFactory.GREEN), 16));

        // Add a palette with cyan+blue colors
        palettes.add(new FactoryPalette("cyan/blue", "Cyan/Blue", new CombinedColorFactory(ColorFactory.CYAN, ColorFactory.BLUE), 16));

        // Add a palette with purple+pink colors
        palettes.add(new FactoryPalette("purble/pink", "Purple/Pink", new CombinedColorFactory(ColorFactory.PURPLE, ColorFactory.PINK), 16));

        // Add a palette with red colors
        palettes.add(new FactoryPalette("red", "Red", ColorFactory.RED, 16));
        // Add a palette with green colors
        palettes.add(new FactoryPalette("green", "Green", ColorFactory.GREEN, 16));
        // Add a palette with blue colors
        palettes.add(new FactoryPalette("blue", "Blue", ColorFactory.BLUE, 16));

        // Add a palette with few random colors
        palettes.add(new RandomPalette("random1", "Random 1", 1));
        // Add a palette with few random colors
        palettes.add(new RandomPalette("random4", "Random 4", 4));
        // Add a palette with few random colors
        palettes.add(new RandomPalette("random9", "Random 9", 9));
        // Add a palette with few random colors
        palettes.add(new RandomPalette("random16", "Random 16", 16));

        // Add a palette with random colors
        palettes.add(new RandomPalette("random25", "Random 25", 25));

        // Add a palette with many random colors
        palettes.add(new RandomPalette("random81", "Random 81", 81));

        // Add a palette with secondary colors
        palettes.add(new FactoryPalette("secondary1", "Secondary 1", new CombinedColorFactory(new ColorShadeFactory(18),
                new ColorShadeFactory(53), new ColorShadeFactory(80), new ColorShadeFactory(140)), 16, 4));

        // Add another palette with secondary colors
        palettes.add(new FactoryPalette("secondary2", "Secondary 2", new CombinedColorFactory(new ColorShadeFactory(210),
                new ColorShadeFactory(265), new ColorShadeFactory(300), new ColorShadeFactory(340)), 16, 4));

        // set the palettes
        d.setPalettes(palettes.toArray(new Palette[palettes.size()]));

        // set the initial palette

        // show the fragment, "");

    private getSupportFragmentManagera() {
        return ((SettingActivity) getActivity()).getFragmentManager();
    public void onColorChanged(int color, String paletteId, String colorName, String paletteName)
        Log.d(TAG,(colorName == null ? " from \"" + paletteName + "\"" : "\"" + colorName + "\" from \"" + paletteName + "\"" ));
        //mTextView.setText(colorName == null ? " from \"" + paletteName + "\"" : "\"" + colorName + "\" from \"" + paletteName + "\"");
        //mSelectedPalette = paletteId;

    public void onColorDialogCancelled()



'public class ConfigFragment extends PreferenceFragment { //private ListView lv; private static final String TAG = "ConfigFragment";

public static ConfigFragment newInstance() {
    return new ConfigFragment();

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

public void onResume() {

public void onPause() {

private void reloadSummary(){
    ListAdapter adapter = getPreferenceScreen().getRootAdapter();
    for (int i=0;i<adapter.getCount();i++){
        Object item = adapter.getItem(i);
        if (item instanceof ListPreference){
            ListPreference preference = (ListPreference) item;
            preference.setSummary(preference.getEntry() == null ? "" : preference.getEntry());
        else if (item instanceof EditTextPreference)
            EditTextPreference preference = (EditTextPreference)item;
            String key = preference.getKey();
            preference.setSummary(preference.getText() == null ? "" : preference.getText());
        }else if( item instanceof SvDialogPreference){

            SvDialogPreference preference = (SvDialogPreference)item;
            //String key_value = preference.getKey()+".sv_edittext";
            //String key_unit = preference.getKey()+".svunit_spinner";

            preference.setSummary(preference.getString() == null ? "" : preference.getString());
        }else if( item instanceof SvDialogPreference){

            SvDialogPreference preference = (SvDialogPreference)item;
            //String key_value = preference.getKey()+".sv_edittext";
            //String key_unit = preference.getKey()+".svunit_spinner";
            preference.setSummary(preference.getString() == null ? "" : preference.getString());
        }else if( item instanceof Sv2DialogPreference){

            Sv2DialogPreference preference = (Sv2DialogPreference)item;
            //String key_value = preference.getKey()+".sv_edittext";
            //String key_unit = preference.getKey()+".svunit_spinner";
            preference.setSummary(preference.getString() == null ? "" : preference.getString());

private SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener listener =
        new SharedPreferences.OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener() {
            public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(SharedPreferences sharedPreferences, String key) {

} '

dmfs commented 6 years ago

I guess that's because you're calling this in a PreferenceFragment. You can try using the compat version: PreferenceFragmentCompat and pass the result of [getChildFragmentManager()]( instead.