dmgatti / DOQTL

QTL mapping for Diversity Outbred mice (and other multi-founder advanced intercrosses)
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Outdated URLs in calc.genoprob.R #7

Open penyuan opened 4 months ago

penyuan commented 4 months ago


When using the function calc.genoprob(), it tries to retrieve data from, such as in lines 541-550 in calc.genoprob.R:

  } else if(array == "gigamuga") {
    snpfile  = ""
    sexfile  = ""
    codefile = ""
    xfile    = ""
    yfile    = ""
    genofile = ""
    if(sampletype == "HS") { 
      codefile = ""
    } # if(sampletype == "HS")

In this example, no longer resolves because the file GM_snps.Rdata no longer exists.

There is a README.txt in that path which points to:

It's unclear how the data within GM_snps.Rdata was structured, so even if I download the newer data files at the URL above, I don't know how to make it work with DOQTL.

Can the developers @dmgatti, @dtenenba, @hpages, @mrjc42, @vobencha et al. please advise on how to fix this?

Thank you!

hpages commented 4 months ago

@penyuan Not sure why you are tagging me here. I don't remember being involved in the developement of the DOQTL package and I don't see my name in its DESCRIPTION file either. It seems that at some point the package was part of Bioconductor but it's been removed about 5 years ago (with BioC 3.10). So tagging the current maintainer (@dmgatti) should be enough. Thanks!

penyuan commented 4 months ago

Thank you for your response @hpages and the explanation. I wasn't sure who the main person is, so I tagged everyone listed as a "Contributor" to this repository. Sorry to bother you!