dmihal / eth-permit

Lightweight library for signing ERC-2612 permit signatures.
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signERC2612Permit not working on Ganache/Buidler #2

Closed gorgos closed 2 years ago

gorgos commented 3 years ago

@dmihal I tried to fix it and the following changes made it work:

  1. Change to const result = await send(provider, 'eth_signTypedData', [fromAddress, JSON.parse(_typeData)]); (two changes)

  2. Add jsonrpc: '2.0', to

Do you have any insights on this?

ghardin1314 commented 3 years ago

Apparently metamask knows about this and a fix is shipped. Already working on firefox and will be working on chrome next week. Discussed here

dmihal commented 3 years ago

The new version tries eth_signTypedData_v4 & eth_signTypedData

Let me know if anyone's still having issues