dmillerw / RemoteIO

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AE2 Remote access is a bit bugged #71

Closed LuciCMD closed 7 years ago

LuciCMD commented 9 years ago

Sometimes trying to connect to an AE system via the remote interface your client mat crash due to an inventory loading error.

dmillerw commented 9 years ago

Uh, what?

LuciCMD commented 9 years ago

If you use a location card to set a target, load it on an interface, and put camo, access and item upgrades in(remote that is) it has the possibility of crashing your client, mainly at long distances. It has worked for me before, although.

dmillerw commented 9 years ago

Could I get a crash log?

LuciCMD commented 9 years ago

LuciCMD commented 9 years ago

The last time I used it, the AE2 network card was also broken-sorry if this is a repeat haven't read all of the issues