dmilo75 / ai-zoning

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Data dictionary and visualization inquiries #3

Open patwater opened 3 days ago

patwater commented 3 days ago

Hi thank you for sharing the excellent and intriguing paper! I had some questions about the AI output and other datasets after spending some time poking around and reviewing the readme. Apologies in advance if I'm missing something obvious!

I.e. how do you get from this image

-> to this image

Also just to throw this out there and recognizing that time and resources aren't infinite but it'd be useful if there was a visualization tool (perhaps similar to though not necessarily that shiny / built out) that enables folks to look at the results for a specific munipality / metro area / unincorporated areas therein...

Finally this type of AI classification seems like it'd be useful for revamping permitting protocols at a more operational level. See the screenshots at the end of this post for example:

dmilo75 commented 3 days ago

Thank you reading our work and for the interest in this project. Unfortunately the codebase reflects an earlier version of the project. Within the next few weeks we will have a new version up that reflects the paper you read. Apologies and thank you for your patience.