dmis-lab / biobert

Bioinformatics'2020: BioBERT: a pre-trained biomedical language representation model for biomedical text mining
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Issue in running ner_dekonize code #107

Open Monikasinghjmi opened 4 years ago

Monikasinghjmi commented 4 years ago

I am trying to run and getting this error. Can anyone help me in this?

437923 485173 Error! : len(ans['labels']) != len(bert_pred['labels']) : Please report us Traceback (most recent call last): File "biocodes/", line 88, in detokenize(args.answer_path, args.token_test_path, args.label_test_path, args.output_dir) File "biocodes/", line 77, in detokenize raise RuntimeError: No active exception to reraise

wonjininfo commented 4 years ago

Hi, Which dataset and the version of the code did you use? Please let me know the commit number (hash value) and I'll check them.

Monikasinghjmi commented 4 years ago

when I tried it on the NCBI-disease dataset it worked fine, now I am using Kaggle covid dataset on research papers

wonjininfo commented 4 years ago

It must be related to the pre-processing step.

In my experience, some Unicode space might cause this problem in tokenization steps.

I used complex code (modified from here) to do the step but I think normalize function from unicodedata package can be a good option.

from unicodedata import normalize

Normalizing all the original text will help.

Also, you need to check 1) the maximum length of a word and 2)the handling of special characters such as '(', ')', '-', '_' ... etc. I used the code from here (Checkout input_form function)

The code is from my colleagues and needs to be refactored a bit more.

Thanks :)

Monikasinghjmi commented 4 years ago

These special characters are in the train.tsv of each dataset, how can these be causing issue?

wonjininfo commented 4 years ago

Sorry I meant spacing near special characters. We added a space before and after some spaces. Ex) (BRCA1) -> ( BRCA1 )

Monikasinghjmi commented 4 years ago

I have used from word_tokenize from nltk.tokenize to make the test.tsv file for kaggle tokens. I have understood what you explained. Can you direct me to the tokenization code which is compatible with this model.

wonjininfo commented 4 years ago

Hi, the pre-processing of the datasets was mostly done by other co-authors. I tried nltk for my other project, but it seems like nltk is not compatible with the BERT tokenizer (especially near special characters). So I get tokenizer code from this repository by co-authors and modified it for my own use (see the end of this comment for the modified code).

Following is the example usage of the code

from ops import json_to_sent, input_form

data = [{
    #"title":"I want coffee", # not necessary
    "abstract": "This is a dummy data to learn how these codes (ner.ops - json_to_sent and input form) are working. Thanks."

sentData = json_to_sent(data, is_raw_text=True) # set is_raw_text=True if you do not use "title"

This will split the input sequence into multiple sentences.

{'1': {'sentence': ['This is a dummy data to learn how these codes (ner.ops - json_to_sent and input form) are working.', ' Thanks.']}}

Use input_form to tokenize the sentences.

for key, values in input_form(sentData, max_input_chars_per_word = MAX_CHARS_WORD)["123"].items():
    print(key+": ", values)

sentence: ['This is a dummy data to learn how these codes (ner.ops - json_tosent and input form) are working.', ' Thanks.'] words: [['This', 'is', 'a', 'dummy', 'data', 'to', 'learn', 'how', 'these', 'codes', '(', 'ner', '.', 'ops', '-', 'json', '', 'to', '_', 'sent', 'and', 'input', 'form', ')', 'are', 'working', '.'], ['Thanks', '.']] wordPos: [[(0, 3), (5, 6), (8, 8), (10, 14), (16, 19), (21, 22), (24, 28), (30, 32), (34, 38), (40, 44), (46, 46), (47, 49), (50, 50), (51, 53), (55, 55), (57, 60), (61, 61), (62, 63), (64, 64), (65, 68), (70, 72), (74, 78), (80, 83), (84, 84), (86, 88), (90, 96), (97, 97)], [(99, 104), (105, 105)]]

The code ( :

# Original code from
# Modified by Wonjin Yoon ( for BioBERT SeqTag task

import numpy as np
import re

tokenize_regex = re.compile(r'([0-9a-zA-Z]+|[^0-9a-zA-Z])')

def json_to_sent(data, is_raw_text=False):
    '''data: list of json file [{pmid,abstract,title}, ...] '''
    out = dict()
    for paper in data:
        sentences = list()
        if is_raw_text:
            # assure that paper['abstract'] is not empty
            abst = sentence_split(paper['abstract'])
            if len(abst) != 1 or len(abst[0].strip()) > 0:
            # assure that paper['title'] is not empty
            if len(CoNLL_tokenizer(paper['title'])) < 50:
                title = [paper['title']]
                title = sentence_split(paper['title'])
            if len(title) != 1 or len(title[0].strip()) > 0:

            if len(paper['abstract']) > 0:
                abst = sentence_split(' ' + paper['abstract'])

                if len(abst) != 1 or len(abst[0].strip()) > 0:

        out[paper['pmid']] = dict()
        out[paper['pmid']]['sentence'] = sentences
    return out

def input_form(sent_data, max_input_chars_per_word=20):
    '''sent_data: dict of sentence, key=pmid {pmid:[sent,sent, ...], pmid: ...}'''
    for pmid in sent_data:
        sent_data[pmid]['words'] = list()
        sent_data[pmid]['wordPos'] = list()
        doc_piv = 0
        for sent in sent_data[pmid]['sentence']:
            wids = list()
            wpos = list()
            sent_piv = 0
            tok = CoNLL_tokenizer(sent)

            for w in tok:
                if len(w) > max_input_chars_per_word: # was 20
                    wids.append(w[:max_input_chars_per_word]) # was 10

                start = doc_piv + sent_piv + sent[sent_piv:].find(w)
                end = start + len(w) - 1
                sent_piv = end - doc_piv + 1
                wpos.append((start, end))
            doc_piv += len(sent)

    return sent_data

def isInt(string):
        return True
    except ValueError:
        return False

def isFloat(string):
        return True
    except ValueError:
        return False

def softmax(logits):
    out = list()
    for logit in logits:
        temp = np.subtract(logit, np.max(logit))
        p = np.exp(temp) / np.sum(np.exp(temp))
    return out

def CoNLL_tokenizer(text):
    rawTok = [t for t in tokenize_regex.split(text) if t]
    assert ''.join(rawTok) == text
    tok = [t for t in rawTok if t != ' ']
    return tok

def sentence_split(text):
    sentences = list()
    sent = ''
    piv = 0
    for idx, char in enumerate(text):
        if char in "?!":
            if idx > len(text) - 3:
                sent = text[piv:]
                piv = -1
                sent = text[piv:idx + 1]
                piv = idx + 1

        elif char == '.':
            if idx > len(text) - 3:
                sent = text[piv:]
                piv = -1
            elif (text[idx + 1] == ' ') and (
                    text[idx + 2] in 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-"' + "'"):
                sent = text[piv:idx + 1]
                piv = idx + 1

        if sent != '':
            toks = CoNLL_tokenizer(sent)
            if len(toks) > 100:
                while True:
                    rawTok = [t for t in tokenize_regex.split(sent) if t]
                    cut = ''.join(rawTok[:200])
                    sent = ''.join(rawTok[200:])

                    if len(CoNLL_tokenizer(sent)) < 100:
                        if sent.strip() == '':
                            sent = ''
                            sent = ''
                sent = ''

            if piv == -1:

    if piv != -1:
        sent = text[piv:]
        toks = CoNLL_tokenizer(sent)
        if len(toks) > 100:
            while True:
                rawTok = [t for t in tokenize_regex.split(sent) if t]
                cut = ''.join(rawTok[:200])
                sent = ''.join(rawTok[200:])

                if len(CoNLL_tokenizer(sent)) < 100:
                    if sent.strip() == '':
                        sent = ''
                        sent = ''
            sent = ''

    return sentences