Closed summivar closed 5 months ago
@summivar Hi, has a separate test on for this and it passes successfully, you need to check if you are doing everything accurately according to the documentation. Test source Test source DTO
You should also consider that you are using the wrong file type in your dto, class-validator/class-transformer uses this too.
The uploaded file is never Express.Multer.File
It is an instance of one of the [storage](It is an instance of one of the repositories you use when connecting the module. ) you use when connecting the module.
If you don't find the problem, please create a repository to reproduce the problem and it will be fixed.
@dmitriy-nz i have the same issue with the latest version. My code:
* appending files
@Transform(({ value }) => {
return value !== undefined && !Array.isArray(value) ? [value] : value;
@HasMimeType(['image/jpg', 'image/png', 'application/json', 'text/plain', 'application/xml'])
appending?: FileHashStorage[];
Event if it's optional the mimetypes are validated as invalid. Same with "IsFiles". I think it only happens if you have an array of files.
I have the same issue.
import {
} from 'class-validator';
import {
} from 'nestjs-form-data';
import { Types } from 'mongoose';
import { Transform, TransformFnParams, Type } from 'class-transformer';
const transformDateFn = (params: TransformFnParams) =>
params.obj[params.key] === '' || params.obj[params.key] === 'null'
? null
: params.value;
export class CreateAnnonceDto {
titre: string;
description: string;
@HasMimeType(['image/jpeg', 'image/png'])
primary_image: FileSystemStoredFile;
@MaxFileSize(4e6, { each: true })
@HasMimeType(['image/jpeg', 'image/png'], { each: true })
images: FileSystemStoredFile[];
IsOptional doesn't work on an array of files. The user is forced to upload at least one file.
Does someone has a solution please ?
@summivar @julianpoemp @TidianeRolland Hi! Issue has been reproduced in fixed in the v1.9.9 version, please try it out
@dmitriy-nz still not working for me with v1.9.9
appending?: FileHashStorage[];
appending should be optional, but I still get an error if no files appended.
@julianpoemp can you share your ValidationPipe options?
transform: true,
whitelist: true,
enableDebugMessages: true,
forbidNonWhitelisted: true,
disableErrorMessages: false,
skipNullProperties: true,
skipUndefinedProperties: true,
exceptionFactory: (validationErrors: ValidationError[] = []) => {
Logger.error(JSON.stringify(validationErrors, null, 2));
return new BadRequestException(validationErrors);
@julianpoemp if you are like me and testing the apis on postman make sure you uncheck the field in the postman in your case you need to uncheck appending.
Thank everyone for the feedback, your case has been reproduced, the issue was that when a property is decorated with Exposed()
we are forcing get an undefined
value when no value is provided.
I have deployed a new version 1.9.91, please try it out
@dmitriy-nz it's working, thank you! 🎉
export class EditDto { @ApiProperty({ description: 'Имя услуги', example: 'Имя', required: false }) @IsString() @IsOptional() name: string;
@ApiProperty({ description: 'Описание услуги', example: 'Описание', required: false }) @IsString() @IsOptional() description: string;
@ApiProperty({ type: 'string', format: 'binary', description: 'Картинка услуги', name: 'image', required: false }) @IsFile() @MaxFileSize(1e7, { message: 'File size should not exceed 10MB' }) @HasMimeType(['image/jpeg', 'image/png'], { message: 'File should be a JPEG or PNG image' }) @IsOptional() image?: Express.Multer.File; }
return from server: { "statusCode": 400, "message": "Validation error", "errors": [ { "field": "image", "error": "File should be a JPEG or PNG image, File size should not exceed 10MB, Field \"image\" does not contain file" } ] }
I want to create "UpdateDTO" and don't know how to do this "IsFile" optional