dmitry-solomadin / skwibl

Realtime collaboration service.
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Create new canvas screen works buggy #190

Closed yuri-karadzhov closed 11 years ago

yuri-karadzhov commented 11 years ago

Create new canvas screen shouldn't appear when the project already has some canvases.

dmitry-solomadin commented 11 years ago

It should work good for new projects. If we had some alter system I would have just wrote an alter prior to upgrade. It is another advantage of writing the system insted of lua scripts embedded into db — you don't need to worry about executing the script the system will execute all pending updates before server start.

dmitry-solomadin commented 11 years ago

I have a couple of ideas how to write it quickly. Let's talk about it tomorrow.

yuri-karadzhov commented 11 years ago

It is easy to add a property to the hash in redis. Just execute the script

cl.keys "projects:*[0-9]", (err, array) ->
  unless err
    for obj in array
      cl.hmset "projects:#{}", new_key, value

to add new property to the project.

But it should take a lot of time to implement alters. We'd better concentrate on refactoring client side code and fixing bugs.

yuri-karadzhov commented 11 years ago

And still - you can not delete the only one canvas. I think it should be possible to do it:

dmitry-solomadin commented 11 years ago

Yes, alters are after-beta task.

About delete only canvas you are right, I will fix it.

dmitry-solomadin commented 11 years ago

Added ability to delete the last canvas. Remove canvas screen for old projects should be a task for alters. Currently we can just live it as is for old projects.