dmitrybubyakin / nova-medialibrary-field

Laravel Nova field for managing the Spatie media library
MIT License
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Size upload issue? #173

Open upperhouse opened 1 year ago

upperhouse commented 1 year ago

Hello, thank you for this great library.

I am seeing intermittent failure when attempting to upload various different files, which sometimes fail around 1.4mb or above. I have played around with the 'maxSizeInBytes' setting but still running into this. In almost all cases where the failure occurs, it is just happening on my remote environment (DigitalOcean), but the uploads are successful when attempting on my local env. No errors are getting logged. It just behaves as though it is starting the upload then appears to give up and returns back to the pre upload state inside Nova.

In one case a PDF that initially weighed in around 1.6mb was failing, I resaved the file via Acrobat with file reduced (295kb) and then it uploaded fine.

Anything I might take a look at or any ideas? Thank you for your time!

FabioWidmer commented 1 year ago

I noticed the same error today. No PHP error but Apache is throwing the following: ModSecurity: Multipart parsing error: Multipart: Final boundary missing.