dmitryserbin / azdev-release-orchestrator

Azure DevOps extension to manage and orchestrate release pipelines
MIT License
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[error]name is not defined #36

Closed baoduy closed 4 years ago

baoduy commented 4 years ago

Hi, I got ##[error]name is not defined error when trying to re-deploy a release from Build Definition. Please help if you have a solution to fix this issue

dmitryserbin commented 4 years ago

Hi, could you please reproduce the issue in debug mode? In order to do that, add DEBUG=release-orchestrator:* to the pipeline variables and re-run the release.

baoduy commented 4 years ago

@dmitryserbin sorry for the late reply. T just tried today and seems it is not able to get the ReleaseDefinition

The permissions of Build Service had been updated the same with this Image

2020-03-22T02:30:08.765Z release-orchestrator:Retry:retry Executing <getReleaseDefinitionRetry> with <10> retries
2020-03-22T02:30:08.859Z release-orchestrator:Retry:retryAsync Retrying <getReleaseDefinitionRetry> in <5> seconds
2020-03-22T02:30:13.931Z release-orchestrator:Retry:retryAsync Retrying <getReleaseDefinitionRetry> in <5> seconds
2020-03-22T02:30:18.994Z release-orchestrator:Retry:retryAsync Retrying <getReleaseDefinitionRetry> in <5> seconds
2020-03-22T02:30:24.071Z release-orchestrator:Retry:retryAsync Retrying <getReleaseDefinitionRetry> in <5> seconds
2020-03-22T02:30:29.170Z release-orchestrator:Retry:retryAsync Retrying <getReleaseDefinitionRetry> in <5> seconds
2020-03-22T02:30:34.247Z release-orchestrator:Retry:retryAsync Retrying <getReleaseDefinitionRetry> in <5> seconds
2020-03-22T02:30:39.322Z release-orchestrator:Retry:retryAsync Retrying <getReleaseDefinitionRetry> in <5> seconds
2020-03-22T02:30:44.391Z release-orchestrator:Retry:retryAsync Retrying <getReleaseDefinitionRetry> in <5> seconds
2020-03-22T02:30:49.489Z release-orchestrator:Retry:retryAsync Retrying <getReleaseDefinitionRetry> in <5> seconds
2020-03-22T02:30:54.529Z release-orchestrator:Retry:retryAsync Retrying <getReleaseDefinitionRetry> in <5> seconds
dmitryserbin commented 4 years ago

Sorry for later reply. It seems like the Orchestrator can't fetch target release definition. Please double check the definition reference is correct in the task? Also, it would be great if you could share full log, it will help with troubleshooting.

baoduy commented 4 years ago

Hi @dmitryserbin Thanks for your help but i developed my own extension to resolve my issue already. Thanks