dmitryserbin / azdev-release-orchestrator

Azure DevOps extension to manage and orchestrate release pipelines
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[error]No <RELEASE_DEFINITION> artifact matching filter (version: undefined, branch: master) criteria found #37

Closed Klippertjen closed 4 years ago

Klippertjen commented 4 years ago



When using these settings, the error 'No artifact matching filter (version: undefined, branch: master) criteria found' is thrown. Could you make it possible to implicitly use the latest version of the selected branch? Or make it possible to choose between the latest version or a manually defined version?

The problem is that for the moment, the option of filtering the source branch does not work at all.

Best regards

dmitryserbin commented 4 years ago

Hi there, you need to specify full branch path i.e. refs/heads/master.


Hope this helps!

Klippertjen commented 4 years ago

Hi, I understand, but we work with Git, so in our case we have to use 'master'. I was hoping by just defining 'master' it would take the latest version in that branch, but apparently you need to define the version as well?

dmitryserbin commented 4 years ago

It will take the latest version of your master branch if you specify refs/heads/master. You can specify path to any other branch in the same way refs/heads/working/my_branch.

Please give it a try - should work just fine.

Klippertjen commented 4 years ago

By using refs/heads/master it seems to be working correctly. I was mistakenly using master because it was mentioned to use it when working with Git artifacts and we are working with Git repositories.

Thank you very much for your help.

dmitryserbin commented 4 years ago

Glad it's all good now. I'll see if I can update documentation to make it more clear. Thanks!