dmitryserbin / azdev-release-orchestrator

Azure DevOps extension to manage and orchestrate release pipelines
MIT License
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Feature request: Custom artifact name and version #47

Open JoostvdB94 opened 3 years ago

JoostvdB94 commented 3 years ago

Rather than specifying a filter to define what artifacts to use when running a new release, it would be helpful to specify the artifacts to use directly in the release that is running the release orchestrator task.

Certainly in our case this would be helpful as we are not tagging our artifacts.

Please consider adding this feature

dmitryserbin commented 3 years ago

Hi, thanks for the feedback.

Just trying to get my head around this. Do you want to be able to specify/filter target pipeline build artifact version by name in the orchestrator task? I.e. something like:

- task: releaseorchestrator@2
  displayName: Create release
    projectName: My-Project
    definitionName: My-Release
    artifactVersionFilter: true
    artifactName: My-Build
    artifactVersion: My-Build-20190521.4


dmitryserbin commented 3 years ago

Will be added in V2

JoostvdB94 commented 3 years ago

Hi @dmitryserbin, Thanks for this feature. Do I understand correctly that the artifact that is specified has to be the primary artifact?

May I suggest another way to specify which artifacts to use when creating a new release? Let's assume there are 2 releases. Release A which uses your plugin to start another release (B). When we want to create release B, it would be nice to specify all the artifacts we want to use in release A (using the UI you posted a screenshot of).

This plugin can then collect all the information about these artifacts (tags, commit id, name) and pass them on to release B. This way, all the artifacts can be specified at the start of release A.

dmitryserbin commented 3 years ago

Hi @JoostvdB94, yes, the task uses primary build artifact by default. I could add an option to specify the target artifact name. For example artifactVersion: My-Definition=My-Definition-123, so you could target any artifact, not only primary.

alexvaccaro commented 3 years ago

Hi, is there any way to be able to select multiple artifacts and their versions or would I need to wait for this fix?

BrendanJiang commented 2 years ago

artifactVersion: My-Definition=My-Definition-123

@dmitryserbin What's the format to specify multiple artifact versions? I tried artifactVersion: My-Definition1=My-Definition1-Version,My-Definition2=My-Definition2-Version but won't work. Do we have the support for specifying the versions of multiple artifacts in the referenced release in version 2 yet?