dmitryserbin / azdev-release-orchestrator

Azure DevOps extension to manage and orchestrate release pipelines
MIT License
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Feature Request: Add an override for the description of a release #98

Open Teonlight opened 9 months ago

Teonlight commented 9 months ago

Can we have an override for the description on the triggered/created release so that I can insert pipeline variables, like a link back to the source pipeline, or the $(Release.DefinitionName) so I know which pipeline triggered this pipeline, in addition to the $(Release.ReleaseName).

A quick glance looks like this is assigned on line 205 @

But would need additional options added to the module.

dmitryserbin commented 9 months ago

Thanks for raising this. It's definitely possible to customise with another parameters in the task. However, I'm not planning to be adding any new features to V2, but will be happy to review your PR if you're keen to contribute yourself.