dmk99 / react-pdf-table

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Consolidating react-pdf table packages #55

Open mocanew opened 1 year ago

mocanew commented 1 year ago

While searching npm for a library that renders tables using @react-pdf/renderer, our team noticed several (12!) very similar packages. We identified that most need more maintenance, testing, or support. To address this, we released @ag-media/react-pdf-table, which we are committed to supporting as we actively use it in our commercial projects.

It's fantastic to see the different approaches and functionalities each package brings to the table. Our community thrives on innovation, and it's inspiring to witness the variety of solutions available.

However, we believe that merging our efforts and packages into a single, more flexible, comprehensive tool would greatly benefit developers. By consolidating our packages, we can eliminate confusion and provide a reliable solution with a stronger community. Let's work together to consolidate our packages, ensuring that developers can easily find the right solution without searching through multiple repositories.

Please share your thoughts, and let's discuss the details of merging our packages, including adding additional guides, examples or tests. Together, we can create a package that simplifies the developer experience and benefits the entire community.

We are looking forward to your response and the possibility of joining forces!

digitaldavenyc commented 1 year ago

@mocanew I think it's great you put this together and agree it would be better to combine efforts rather than duplicating them. Unforuntately it looks like this repo has been abandoned, its been well over a year since it's been updated.

cadam11 commented 1 year ago

@mocanew 💯 agree with the sentiment. Our fork was driven by the need for some minor updates and made an effort to incorporate commits from other contributors as well as preserve the git log from the original author.

I've only had time for a quick scan of your repo but it seems to have lost the commit history, if not the original content, so it's hard to tell what gaps there may be between the version I use and the one you released. In general, I'm thrilled any time someone wants to take ownership of an open-source project and am happy to support however I can. Our main business is not about creating PDFs or tables within PDFs and if not for necessity and an aging codebase we probably wouldn't have released the package at all.

Maybe a good first step would be to open a thread on your package's repo to enumerate the various published forks of this package and bring them all together under one roof (so to speak). From there you we could understand what the consolidated component and its roadmap looks like, as well as establish whatever contributor guidelines you want to have in place.