dmlc / dgl

Python package built to ease deep learning on graph, on top of existing DL frameworks.
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[RFC][Feature] NodeFlow API #368

Closed jermainewang closed 5 years ago

jermainewang commented 5 years ago

We use this issue to discuss about a proposal (by @zheng-da @BarclayII ) of a new API: NodeFlow.


In current DGL, DGLGraph is the core data structure to represent graph. It is very convenient to represent a flat data graph. For example, we use DGLGraph to represent the citation graph from CoraDataset, the sentence parse tree from SSTDataset, etc.

However, when it comes to defining multi-layer graph neural network, a flat graph is somewhat not ideal. For example, in current API, defining a multi-layer GCN is like follows:

import dgl
import dgl.function as fn
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.functional as F

class GCNLayer(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self):
    self.fc = nn.Linear(20, 20)
  def forward(self, g, h):  # type(g) == dgl.DGLGraph
    g.ndata['h'] = h
    g.update_all(fn.copy_src('h', 'm'), fn.sum('m', 'h'))
    return self.fc(g.ndata.pop('h'))

class GCN(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self):
    self.layer0 = GCNLayer()
    self.layer1 = GCNLayer()
  def forward(self, g, h):  # type(g) == dgl.DGLGraph
    h = self.layer0(g, h)
    h = F.relu(h)
    h = self.layer1(g, h)
    return h

Note that both layer0 and layer1 share the same graph structure g. However, what if the two layers have different graph structures? For example, in graph sampling (control variance, neighbor sampling, etc.), messages are passed on different sampled subgraphs for each layer.

Such hierarchical structure makes it hard for a flat DGLGraph designed for representing graph data to cleanly express the logic. In such case, the code needs to be adjusted:

class HeteroGCN(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self):
    self.layer0 = GCNLayer()
    self.layer1 = GCNLayer()
  def forward(self, g0, g1, h):
    h = self.layer0(g0, h)
    h = fetch_nodes_required_by_next_layer(g1, h)
    h = F.relu(h)
    h = self.layer1(g1, h)
    h = fetch_nodes_required_by_output(h)
    return h

There are at least two awkwardness in the above implementation:

Proposal: NodeFlow

NodeFlow is our proposed solution. It is a graph structure designed for hierarchical computation on graphs. Compared with DGLGraph:

Below is a picture about how a 2-layer HeteroGCN is expressed using NodeFlow:



Here is a demo snippet of the HeteroGCN using NodeFlow:

class GCNLayer(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self):
    self.fc = nn.Linear(20, 20)
  def forward(self, g, layerid, h):  # type(g) == dgl.NodeFlow
    g.ldata[layerid]['h'] = h  # ldata shorts for g.layers[layerid].data['h']
    g.pull(g.layers(layerid), fn.copy_src('h', 'm'), fn.sum('m', 'h'))  # g.layers(layerid) gives node ids
    return self.fc(g.ldata[layerid].pop('h'))

class HeteroGCN(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self):
    self.layer0 = GCNLayer()
    self.layer1 = GCNLayer()
  def forward(self, nf, h):  # type(nf) = NodeFlow
    h = self.layer0(nf, 1, h)
    h = F.relu(h)
    h = self.layer1(nf, 2, h)
    return h


First of all, all the API names are not finalized. Feel free to propose better names. For example, personally I found NodePipeline might be more intuitive than NodeFlow. The critical part is the concept that we should all agree on.

There is an on-going effort by @zheng-da to implement this API (see #361 ). Right now, the API is buried in many other changes. @zheng-da could you separate the important class definition out of the PR? Also the current PR name is not explicit about this change.

The class definition is follows (I incorporate some of my thoughts in the API, so it might be different with the one in #361 ):

class NodeFlow(DGLGraph):
  def __init__(self, parent, node_mapping, edge_mapping, graph_data):
    """Construct a nodeflow.
    parent : DGLGraph
      The parent flat graph.
    node_mapping : Tensor
      A 1-D vector of size `graph_data.number_of_nodes()`. node_mapping[i] is the node id
      in the parent flat graph that node i maps to.
    edge_mapping : Tensor
      A 1-D vector of size `graph_data.number_of_edges()`. edge_mapping[i] is the edge id
      in the parent flat graph that edge i maps to.
    graph_data : any graph data compatible with DGLGraph's constructor.
      The graph structure of this NodeFlow.

    def copy_from_parent(self):
      """Copy node/edge features from parent graph."""

    def map_to_parent_nid(self, nid):
      """Get the parent node id given the node id in this NodeFlow."""

    def map_to_parent_eid(self, eid):
      """Get the parent edge id given the edge id in this NodeFlow."""

    def num_layers(self):
      """Return the number of layers in this nodeflow."""

    def layer_sizes(self):
      """Return a list of the sizes (number of nodes) of each layers."""

    def flow_sizes(self):
      """Return a list of the sizes (number of edges) of each flow between layers."""

    def layers(self):
      """Return a LayerView of this NodeFlow.
      This is mainly for usage like:
      * `g.layers[2].data['h']` to get the node features of layer#2.
      * `g.layers(2)` to get the nodes of layer#2.
      However, since all the nodes in one layers are stored continuously, `g.layers(2)` is
      equivalent to `F.arange(cumsum(g.layer_sizes[0:1]), g.layer_sizes[2])`

    def ldata(self):
      """Return a LayerDataView of this NodeFlow.
      This is mainly for usage like:
      * `g.ldata[2]['h']` to get the node features of layer#2.

    def flows(self):
      """Return a FlowView of this NodeFlow.
      This is mainly for usage like:
      * `g.flows[1,2].data['h']` to get the edge features of flows from layer#1 to layer#2.
      * `g.flows(1, 2)` to get the edge ids of flows#1->#2.
      However, since all the edges in one flow are stored continuously, `g.flows(1, 2)` is
      equivalent to `F.arange(cumsum(g.flow_sizes[0:1]), g.flow_sizes[1])`
      g.flows[1, 3] will raise error.

    def fdata(self):
      """Return a FlowDataView of this NodeFlow.
      This is mainly for usage like:
      * `g.fdata[1,2]['h']` to get the edge features of flows#1->#2.
      `g.fdata[1, 2]` will raise error

    def front(self):
      """Alias for self.layers[0]."""

    def back(self):
      """Alias for self.layers[self.num_layers - 1]."""

    def register_layer_computation(layerid, mfunc, rfunc, afunc):
      """Register UDFs for the give layer."""

    def compute(self):
      """Compute each layer one-by-one using the registered UDFs."""


To create a NodeFlow, we could suggest user to use some provided utility functions. For example,

def create_full_node_flow(g, num_layers):
  """Create a full node flow from the given graph `g`."""

More realistic use case is by graph sampling APIs:

def neighbor_sampling(g, num_layers, ...):
  """Sample the original graph and return a NodeFlow."""


To achieve the best efficiency, the NodeFrame of layers should be separated. This is good for two reasons:

However, this requires some efforts in implementation if we want to make NodeFlow completely compatible with DGLGraph's APIs. We could also disable APIs such as update_all for NodeFlow as it is somewhat meaningless. More ideas on this are appreciated.

zheng-da commented 5 years ago

My PR is mainly to fix the issue in neighbor sampling. After the bug fix, I need to expose the sampling result so that I add a Python class. I'm not sure how to test the code without creating a class for the sampling result.

In general, I would agree on the concept and API. Some small questions:

class GCNLayer(nn.Module):
  def __init__(self):
    self.fc = nn.Linear(20, 20)
  def forward(self, g, layerid, h):  # type(g) == dgl.NodeFlow
    g.ldata[layerid]['h'] = h  # ldata shorts for g.layers[layerid].data['h']
    g.pull(g.layers(layerid), fn.copy_src('h', 'm'), fn.sum('m', 'h'))  # g.layers(layerid) gives node ids
    return self.fc(g.ldata[layerid].pop('h'))

It seems you might want to use g.ldata[layerid-1]['h'] = h?

Can we use layer_data and flow_data instead of ldata and fdata?

jermainewang commented 5 years ago

It seems you might want to use g.ldata[layerid-1]['h'] = h?

You are right.

Can we use layer_data and flow_data instead of ldata and fdata?

Try to be consistent with ndata and edata, but definitely could change that if it is too short to be clear.

jermainewang commented 5 years ago

My PR is mainly to fix the issue in neighbor sampling. After the bug fix, I need to expose the sampling result so that I add a Python class. I'm not sure how to test the code without creating a class for the sampling result.

How about having a separate PR first just about the NodeFlow? We try to finish that PR ASAP. Then you could fix the neighbor sampling based on that.

zheng-da commented 5 years ago

It's a little akward. Without neighbor sampling, how are we going to test NodeFlow?

jermainewang commented 5 years ago

Test basic interface. Just like how to test DGLGraph. And I'm afraid such test is necessary because the NodeFlow is actually a data structure visible to user, not only for sampling.

zheng-da commented 5 years ago

If it can be easily tested, it works for me.

zzhang-cn commented 5 years ago
jermainewang commented 5 years ago
  • Layer in GCN community typically means a new layer with a different set of parameters; I would think slice is better.
  • if we use slice instead, we need use sdata not ldata
  • fdata can be confused with features in user's mind.

I'm fine with slice. In such case, I suggest follow Da's proposal: slice_data and flow_data to avoid confusion.

  • are there cases where sampling needs to be done after one slice is computed? i.e., are there scenarios where a compelte, L-slice (or layer) nodeflow's construction is dynamic?

Interesting point. I am not aware of such scenario at the moment but seems totally reasonable. We actually thought about following append API:

def append(nodeflow1, nodeflow2):
  """Return a new nodeflow that is [nodeflow1->nodeflow2]."""

Note that the API must return a new nodeflow because nodeflow is an immutable data structure (for best efficiency).

The question is how efficient will this append be? My guts feeling is it could be efficient:

Here is a pseudo-code for dynamic nodeflow?

nflow = dgl.NodeFlow()  # initial empty flow
h = ...  # initial representation
for i in range(L):
  delta = compute_new_nodeflow(h)
  h = GCNLayer(nflow, i)
  • node relabeling, that's internal and opaque, correct? one use case can be that we want to follow the evolution of a node's hidden representation over time (like what Murphy does in the batch graph classification tutorial, but he's tracking them across layers).

Another interesting point. It seems that you want to keep the "pruned nodes" in the flow and activate them based on certain condition?

jermainewang commented 5 years ago

@zheng-da , that's why register has layerid as the argument.

zheng-da commented 5 years ago

I didn't notice layerid.

zheng-da commented 5 years ago

I still find this API is inconvient to use. In my implementation of gcn_cv_updater, the first layer (the layer close to the input data) doesn't need msg_func and reduce_func because it has computed before, so I simply apply node_update_func.

zheng-da commented 5 years ago

maybe somthing like this:

    def compute(self, flow_id, mfunc, rfunc, afunc):
      """Compute a flow using the given UDFs."""

We should allow users to customize the computation for each layer. If the computation in a layer is very customized, the user needs to fall back to the original DGLGraph API.

zheng-da commented 5 years ago

Here is the code of what GCN with control variate + updater looks like.

Here is the trainer code:

class GCNLayer(gluon.Block):
    def __init__(self, ind, in_feats, out_feats, activation, dropout, **kwargs):
        super(GCNLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.ind = ind
        self.in_feats = in_feats
        self.node_update = NodeUpdate(out_feats, activation, dropout)

    def forward(self, subg):
        if self.ind == 0:
            subg.layers[1].data['h'] = subg.layers[1].data['agg_h_0']
            assert subg.layers[1].data['h'].shape[1] == self.in_feats
            subg.apply_nodes(self.node_update, v=subg.layer_nid(1))
            subg.layers[self.ind].input_data['h'] = h
            # control variate
            subg.compute(self.ind + 1, partial(gcn_msg, ind=self.ind),
                      partial(gcn_reduce, ind=self.ind), self.node_update)
        return subg.layers[self.ind + 1].data['h']

class GCN(gluon.Block):
    def __init__(self, in_feats, n_hidden, n_classes, n_layers, activation, dropout, **kwargs):
        super(GCN, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.n_layers = n_layers
        assert n_layers >= 2
        with self.name_scope():
            #self.linear = gluon.nn.Dense(n_hidden, activation)
            self.layers = gluon.nn.Sequential()
            # input layer
            self.layers.add(GCNLayer(0, in_feats, n_hidden, activation, dropout))
            # hidden layers
            for i in range(1, n_layers-1):
                self.layers.add(GCNLayer(i, n_hidden, n_hidden, activation, dropout))
            # output layer
            self.layers.add(GCNLayer(n_layers-1, n_hidden, n_classes, None, dropout))

    def forward(self, subg):
        for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers):
            h = layer(subg)
        return h

Here is the updater code:

class GCNForwardLayer(gluon.Block):
    def __init__(self, ind, in_feats, out_feats, activation, dropout, **kwargs):
        super(GCNForwardLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.ind = ind
        self.node_update = NodeUpdate(out_feats, activation, dropout)

    def forward(self, g, h):
        g.ndata['h'] = h
        g.update_all(fn.copy_src(src='h', out='m'), fn.sum(msg='m', out='h'))
        g.ndata['h'] = g.ndata['h'] * g.ndata['deg_norm']
        agg_h = g.ndata['h']
        return agg_h, g.ndata.pop('h')

class GCNUpdate(gluon.Block):
    def __init__(self, in_feats, n_hidden, n_classes, n_layers, activation, dropout, **kwargs):
        super(GCNUpdate, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.n_layers = n_layers
        assert n_layers >= 2
        with self.name_scope():
            #self.linear = gluon.nn.Dense(n_hidden, activation)
            self.layers = gluon.nn.Sequential()
            # input layer
            self.layers.add(GCNForwardLayer(0, in_feats, n_hidden, activation, dropout))
            # hidden layers
            for i in range(1, n_layers-1):
                self.layers.add(GCNForwardLayer(i, n_hidden, n_hidden, activation, dropout))
            # output layer
            self.layers.add(GCNForwardLayer(n_layers-1, n_hidden, n_classes, None, dropout))

    def forward(self, g):
        h = g.ndata['in']
        for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers):
            agg_h, h = layer(g, h)
            g.ndata['h_%d' % (i + 1)] = h
            g.ndata['agg_h_%d' % i] = agg_h
        return h

It's unlikely to write the updater code the same as the trainer code, at least not for now. Writing data to a layer of NodeFlow requires index_copy, which generates a lot of unnecessary memory copy.

jermainewang commented 5 years ago

Comments for the traininer code:

class GCNLayer(gluon.Block):
    def __init__(self, ind, in_feats, out_feats, activation, dropout, **kwargs):
        super(GCNLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.ind = ind
        self.in_feats = in_feats
        self.node_update = NodeUpdate(out_feats, activation, dropout)

    def forward(self, subg):
        if self.ind == 0:
            subg.layers[0].data['h'] = subg.layers[0].data['agg_h_0']
            assert subg.layers[0].data['h'].shape[1] == self.in_feats
            subg.apply_nodes(self.node_update, v=subg.layer_nid(0))
            subg.layers[self.ind - 1].data['h'] = h
            # control variate
            subg.pull(subg.layer_nid(self.ind), partial(gcn_msg, ind=self.ind),
                      partial(gcn_reduce, ind=self.ind), self.node_update)
        return subg.layers[self.ind].data['h']

I see what you mean. How about this:

With this in mind, the code will look like this (also fixed some syntax):

class GCNLayer(gluon.Block):
    def __init__(self, ind, in_feats, out_feats, activation, dropout, **kwargs):
        super(GCNLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.ind = ind
        self.in_feats = in_feats
        self.node_update = NodeUpdate(out_feats, activation, dropout)

    def forward(self, nflow, h):
        nflow.layer_data[self.ind-1]['h'] = h
        # control variate
        nflow.pull(nflow.layers(self.ind), fn.copy_src('h', 'm'), fn.sum('m', 'h'), self.node_update)
        return nflow.layer_data[self.ind]['h']

And the GCN block:

class GCN(gluon.Block):
    def __init__(self, in_feats, n_hidden, n_classes, n_layers, activation, dropout, **kwargs):
        super(GCN, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.n_layers = n_layers
        with self.name_scope():
            self.layers = gluon.nn.Sequential()
            # hidden layers
            for i in range(0, n_layers-1):
                self.layers.add(GCNLayer(i, n_hidden, n_hidden, activation, dropout))
            # output layer
            self.layers.add(GCNLayer(n_layers-1, n_hidden, n_classes, None, dropout))

    def forward(self, nflow, h):
        for layer in self.layers:
            h = layer(nflow, h)
        return h

Since such pattern is very common, we could provide the compute interface as following. Note that the GCNLayer class is fused to the GCN class.

class GCN(gluon.Block):
    def __init__(self, in_feats, n_hidden, n_classes, n_layers, activation, dropout, **kwargs):
        super(GCN, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        with self.name_scope():
            self.mfunc = []
            self.rfunc = []
            self.afunc = gluon.nn.Sequential()
            # hidden layers
            for i in range(0, n_layers-1):
                self.mfunc.append(fn.copy_src('h', 'm'))
                self.rfunc.append(fn.sum('m', 'h'))
                self.afunc.add(NodeUpdate(n_hidden, activation, dropout))
            # output layer
            self.mfunc.append(fn.copy_src('h', 'm'))
            self.rfunc.append(fn.sum('m', 'h'))
            self.afunc.add(NodeUpdate(n_classes, None, dropout))

    def forward(self, nflow, h):
        h = nflow.compute(h, self.mfunc, self.rfunc, self.afunc)
        return h
jermainewang commented 5 years ago

Writing data to a layer of NodeFlow requires index_copy, which generates a lot of unnecessary memory copy

Isn't this something we should avoid in NodeFlow? I think the feature data of each layer should be stored separately, so nflow.layer_data[self.ind-1]['h'] = h only replaces tensor reference.

BarclayII commented 5 years ago

I prototyped PinSage with the idea of NodeFlow here. That's the most natural implementation I can think of, given the current DGL release version (0.1.3).

I'm a little bit concerned that the implementation is not using the DGL message passing API. Are we at all going to handle cases like this in the NodeFlow system?

jermainewang commented 5 years ago

Writing data to a layer of NodeFlow requires index_copy, which generates a lot of unnecessary memory copy

Isn't this something we should avoid in NodeFlow? I think the feature data of each layer should be stored separately, so nflow.layer_data[self.ind-1]['h'] = h only replaces tensor reference.

If so, I think we shouldn't inherit from DGLGraph. Otherwise, what is ndata?

Yeah, that's something should be discussed. What is the data structure for storing node/edge features? and how to support the DGLGraph interface?

zheng-da commented 5 years ago

The other problem is that replacing ndata with layer_data, we need to change the scheduler that creates the execution plan. it seems it requires significant rewrite. i guess you or Linfan might be a better person to do so.

zheng-da commented 5 years ago

@BarclayII PinSage code seems to fit well in the NodeFlow API. Why do you think it can't use the DGL message passing API?

jermainewang commented 5 years ago

Suppose we use list of frames to store node/edge features:

class NodeFlow:
    def __init__(self, ...):
        self.graph_index = ...
        self.num_layers = ...
        self.layer_frames = [Frame() for _ in range(self.num_layers)]
        self.flow_frames = [Frame() for _ in range(self.num_layers - 1)]

Some thoughts:


zheng-da commented 5 years ago

Even the propagation needs tweak. not all layers have the same msg_func, red_func and node update func. Maybe we can create DGLBaseGraph that contains graph structure API. and create a new set of message passing API for NodeFlow.

apply_nodes(layer_id, func, inplace)
apply_edges(layer_id, func, inplace)
flow_compute(layer_id, msg_func, red_func, update_func)
jermainewang commented 5 years ago

I feel the same. How about:

apply_layers(layer_id, func, v, inplace)
apply_flows(flow_id, func, edges, inplace)
forward(msg_func, red_func, update_func, range=ALL) 

range can be one int, or slice like 1:3. If is slice type or ALL, the arguments should be lists.

mufeili commented 5 years ago

@zzhang-cn I think layer is better than slice. Based on the discussion, it seems that except possibly for the input layer, each layer will have separate msg, reduce, apply_node, apply_flow functions, and likely to have a different set of parameters. This naming also matches what the authors of the papers tend to use (the ith GNN layer).

Some other thoughts:

  1. For GNN training with sampling, we will be very likely to encounter the case of dynamic construction when some prioritized sampling is going to be made based on the latest node features. @jermainewang Clustering within GNN computation can also be a good example for supporting dynamic layer (flow) construction with NodeFlow.
  2. It might still be good to allow message passing within a layer particularly when the graph structure is static for some consecutive layers.

Not relevant at current stage:

  1. It might be an interesting idea to allow asynchronous message passing/update between layers so that the flows are performed in parallel.
  2. It might be another interesting idea to allow flows between non-consecutive layers (skipping connections across layers).
zzhang-cn commented 5 years ago

Here is the updater code:

class GCNForwardLayer(gluon.Block):
    def __init__(self, ind, in_feats, out_feats, activation, dropout, **kwargs):
        super(GCNForwardLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.ind = ind
        self.node_update = NodeUpdate(out_feats, activation, dropout)

    def forward(self, g, h):
        g.ndata['h'] = h
        g.update_all(fn.copy_src(src='h', out='m'), fn.sum(msg='m', out='h'))
        g.ndata['h'] = g.ndata['h'] * g.ndata['deg_norm']
        agg_h = g.ndata['h']
        return agg_h, g.ndata.pop('h')

class GCNUpdate(gluon.Block):
    def __init__(self, in_feats, n_hidden, n_classes, n_layers, activation, dropout, **kwargs):
        super(GCNUpdate, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.n_layers = n_layers
        assert n_layers >= 2
        with self.name_scope():
            #self.linear = gluon.nn.Dense(n_hidden, activation)
            self.layers = gluon.nn.Sequential()
            # input layer
            self.layers.add(GCNForwardLayer(0, in_feats, n_hidden, activation, dropout))
            # hidden layers
            for i in range(1, n_layers-1):
                self.layers.add(GCNForwardLayer(i, n_hidden, n_hidden, activation, dropout))
            # output layer
            self.layers.add(GCNForwardLayer(n_layers-1, n_hidden, n_classes, None, dropout))

    def forward(self, g):
        h = g.ndata['in']
        for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers):
            agg_h, h = layer(g, h)
            g.ndata['h_%d' % (i + 1)] = h
            g.ndata['agg_h_%d' % i] = agg_h
        return h

It's unlikely to write the updater code the same as the trainer code, at least not for now. Writing data to a layer of NodeFlow requires index_copy, which generates a lot of unnecessary memory copy.

I don't understand why updater's logic isn't exactly the same as the vanilla GCN? Because NodeFlow will change across epoches (each epoch presumably builds a different DAG via sampling), so the conservative way would be just run GCN over the full graph. Or are you assuming updater is running over the NodeFlow of a new epoch?

zzhang-cn commented 5 years ago

Comments for the traininer code:

class GCNLayer(gluon.Block):
    def __init__(self, ind, in_feats, out_feats, activation, dropout, **kwargs):
        super(GCNLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.ind = ind
        self.in_feats = in_feats
        self.node_update = NodeUpdate(out_feats, activation, dropout)

    def forward(self, subg):
        if self.ind == 0:
            subg.layers[0].data['h'] = subg.layers[0].data['agg_h_0']
            assert subg.layers[0].data['h'].shape[1] == self.in_feats
            subg.apply_nodes(self.node_update, v=subg.layer_nid(0))
            subg.layers[self.ind - 1].data['h'] = h
            # control variate
            subg.pull(subg.layer_nid(self.ind), partial(gcn_msg, ind=self.ind),
                      partial(gcn_reduce, ind=self.ind), self.node_update)
        return subg.layers[self.ind].data['h']

I see what you mean. How about this:

  • The first layer is always the input layer.
  • Since there is no in-coming link to the input layer, there is no need to define computation for it. The node apply in self.ind == 0 is actually not needed. Even if a node apply is required, this can be done outside of Nodeflow.

With this in mind, the code will look like this (also fixed some syntax):

class GCNLayer(gluon.Block):
    def __init__(self, ind, in_feats, out_feats, activation, dropout, **kwargs):
        super(GCNLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.ind = ind
        self.in_feats = in_feats
        self.node_update = NodeUpdate(out_feats, activation, dropout)

    def forward(self, nflow, h):
        nflow.layer_data[self.ind-1]['h'] = h
        # control variate
        nflow.pull(nflow.layers(self.ind), fn.copy_src('h', 'm'), fn.sum('m', 'h'), self.node_update)
        return nflow.layer_data[self.ind]['h']

And the GCN block:

class GCN(gluon.Block):
    def __init__(self, in_feats, n_hidden, n_classes, n_layers, activation, dropout, **kwargs):
        super(GCN, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.n_layers = n_layers
        with self.name_scope():
            self.layers = gluon.nn.Sequential()
            # hidden layers
            for i in range(0, n_layers-1):
                self.layers.add(GCNLayer(i, n_hidden, n_hidden, activation, dropout))
            # output layer
            self.layers.add(GCNLayer(n_layers-1, n_hidden, n_classes, None, dropout))

    def forward(self, nflow, h):
        for layer in self.layers:
            h = layer(nflow, h)
        return h

Since such pattern is very common, we could provide the compute interface as following. Note that the GCNLayer class is fused to the GCN class.

class GCN(gluon.Block):
    def __init__(self, in_feats, n_hidden, n_classes, n_layers, activation, dropout, **kwargs):
        super(GCN, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        with self.name_scope():
            self.mfunc = []
            self.rfunc = []
            self.afunc = gluon.nn.Sequential()
            # hidden layers
            for i in range(0, n_layers-1):
                self.mfunc.append(fn.copy_src('h', 'm'))
                self.rfunc.append(fn.sum('m', 'h'))
                self.afunc.add(NodeUpdate(n_hidden, activation, dropout))
            # output layer
            self.mfunc.append(fn.copy_src('h', 'm'))
            self.rfunc.append(fn.sum('m', 'h'))
            self.afunc.add(NodeUpdate(n_classes, None, dropout))

    def forward(self, nflow, h):
        h = nflow.compute(h, self.mfunc, self.rfunc, self.afunc)
        return h

@mufeili @VoVAllen and I got together and looked through the codes. We assume the one we quoted is the most up to date; we also took a look at @BarclayII 's implementation of pinSage.

Couple of thoughts:

class GCNLayer(gluon.Block):
    def __init__(self, ind, in_feats, out_feats, activation, dropout, **kwargs):
        super(GCNLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.ind = ind
        self.in_feats = in_feats
        self.node_update = NodeUpdate(out_feats, activation, dropout)

    def forward(self, subg):
        if self.ind == 0:
            subg.layers[1].data['h'] = subg.layers[1].data['agg_h_0']
            assert subg.layers[1].data['h'].shape[1] == self.in_feats
            subg.apply_nodes(self.node_update, v=subg.layer_nid(1))
            subg.layers[self.ind].input_data['h'] = h
            # control variate
            subg.compute(self.ind + 1, partial(gcn_msg, ind=self.ind),
                      partial(gcn_reduce, ind=self.ind), self.node_update)
        return subg.layers[self.ind + 1].data['h']
zzhang-cn commented 5 years ago

Here are some more additional thoughts:

jermainewang commented 5 years ago

From @mufeili

Some other thoughts:

  • For GNN training with sampling, we will be very likely to encounter the case of dynamic construction when some prioritized sampling is going to be made based on the latest node features. @jermainewang Clustering within GNN computation can also be a good example for supporting dynamic layer (flow) construction with NodeFlow.

Can append API handle this?

  • It might still be good to allow message passing within a layer particularly when the graph structure is static for some consecutive layers.

Don't understand.

From @zzhang-cn

I don't understand why updater's logic isn't exactly the same as the vanilla GCN? Because NodeFlow will change across epoches (each epoch presumably builds a different DAG via sampling), so the conservative way would be just run GCN over the full graph. Or are you assuming updater is running over the NodeFlow of a new epoch?

They should be the same, but I guess @zheng-da also considered the efficiency of using NodeFlow for full graph GCN. The issue the the memory consumption of the graph structure. Suppose we have a graph G(V, E). Using DGLGraph, we only need to store the graph once so the memory consumption is O(|V|+|E|). However, if using NodeFlow, since the graph structure is unfolded for L layers, the total memory consumption is O(L * (|V| + |E|)).

Note that the above is only for graph structure (e.g. csr or adjlist). The memory consumption of node/edge features is always O(L (|V| + |E|) d) because they all need to be saved.

Couple of thoughts:

  • How will mini-batch training gets incorporated? (say, using PinSage as an example).
  • Is the control variate correct? It looks like only the input layer uses it (see the use agg_h_0).

I think we haven't got the code including the training loop. @zheng-da could you put the code in a gist like Quan?

jermainewang commented 5 years ago

Another question from @zzhang-cn

The neighbors of a node in the DAG can be in 2 mutually exclusive states: 1) ignored (out-of-sample), or 2) instantiated. In the 2nd case, the value can be: a) an input if in the input layer, b) an output from the previous layer, and c) a stale historical data. I am under the impression that when a neighbor is ignored, the aggregation funciton needs to rescale, where do we handle it? Also, if the value is from historial, shall we expose it to the message function?

Drawed a figure below. See whether this makes sense to your guys:


Several notes:

zheng-da commented 5 years ago

over the full graph. Or are you assuming updater is running over the NodeFlow of a new epoch?

The updater runs on the full graph. Its purpose is to prepare the history data. In my implementation, instead of computing history data on nodes, I also compute the aggregation of the history data so that we don't need all neighbors of a sampled node. In this way, we can use normal neighbor sampler directly.

As shown below, the white nodes are sampled. we store 'aggh%d' on white nodes and we don't need greys nodes in NodeFlow for training. cv

jermainewang commented 5 years ago

Does that means, in my figure, there is no blue node on layer0?

zheng-da commented 5 years ago

Here is the full implementation of GCN + CV + updater with the NodeFlow API.

zheng-da commented 5 years ago

@jermainewang It's not necessary. But it's really up to the user. We should give users to flexibility of implementing the algorithm in the way they like, but we can provide a recommended way of implementing it.

zheng-da commented 5 years ago

cv To implement control variate sampling, we have two choices. The first is to sample nodes and all of their neighbors, as shown in the figure above. It's doable to sample such a graph if we write a specific sampler for this algorithm. However, it's not very easy to write implement this. A potential approach is as follows:

class GCNLayer(gluon.Block):
    def __init__(self, ind, in_feats, out_feats, activation, dropout, bias=True, **kwargs):
        super(GCNLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.ind = ind
        self.in_feats = in_feats
        self.node_update = NodeUpdate(out_feats, activation, dropout)

    def forward(self, subg, h):
        # this is to aggregate history data of all neighbors.
        subg.flow_compute(self.ind, fn.copy_src(src='h_%d' % ind, out='m'), fn.sum(msg='m', out='agg_h'),
                          lambda node : {'agg_h_%d' %ind :['agg_h'] *['deg_norm']})
        # TODO how to get the active edges.
        subg.flow_send_and_recv(self.ind, gcn_cv_msg, gcn_cv_reduce, self.node_update, active_edges)
        return subg.layers[self.ind + 1].data['h']

The problem with this approach is that it's hard to distinguish the edges between the ones that connect to the sampled nodes (the white nodes) and the ones with history data (the grey nodes). The sampler needs to return extra information and our NodeFlow object should contain this information.

The full demo code is shown here:

ns The other approach is to only sample the nodes that we perform computation and aggregate history data in advance, as show in the figure above. In my implementation, I use the updater to aggregate history data and store it in 'aggh%d'. We can also use other components to do so, e.g., the kvstore. If we do so, NodeFlow no longer needs the nodes only with history data (the greey nodes). We can use a normal neighbor sampler to generate NodeFlow. Then we can implement the algorithm as follows:

class GCNLayer(gluon.Block):
    def __init__(self, ind, in_feats, out_feats, activation, dropout, bias=True, **kwargs):
        super(GCNLayer, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.ind = ind
        self.in_feats = in_feats
        self.node_update = NodeUpdate(out_feats, activation, dropout)

    def forward(self, subg, h):
        if self.ind == 0:
            subg.layers[1].data['h'] = subg.layers[1].data['agg_h_0']
            assert subg.layers[1].data['h'].shape[1] == self.in_feats
            subg.layers[self.ind].data['h'] = h
            # control variate
            subg.flow_compute(self.ind, partial(gcn_cv_msg, ind=self.ind),
                              partial(gcn_cv_reduce, ind=self.ind), self.node_update)
        return subg.layers[self.ind + 1].data['h']

This significantly simplies the implementation both the user code and DGL code. I think we should use the second approach to implement the control variate sampling. I don't know if it's necessary to support complex NodeFlow whose nodes and edges have different types.

The full demo code is here:

To get a better glance at how the aggregation data is used, please check the message passing APIs as follows:

def gcn_cv_msg(edge, ind):
    msg = edge.src['h'] - edge.src['h_%d' % ind]
    return {'m': msg}

def gcn_cv_reduce(node, ind):
    accum = mx.nd.sum(node.mailbox['m'], 1) *['norm'] +['agg_h_%d' % ind]
    return {'h': accum}

class NodeUpdate(gluon.Block):
    def __init__(self, out_feats, activation=None, dropout=0, **kwargs):
        super(NodeUpdate, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self.linear = gluon.nn.Dense(out_feats, activation=activation)
        self.dropout = dropout

    def forward(self, node):
        accum =['h']
        if self.dropout:
            accum = mx.nd.Dropout(accum, p=self.dropout)
        accum = self.linear(accum)
        return {'h': accum}
zheng-da commented 5 years ago

nodeflow Here are the NodeFlow semantics I would like to propose. Each layer has its own id space. Nodes from the flat graph may appear in different layers multiple times, but can only appear in the same layer once. For simplicity, all nodes in a layer should have the same features/embeddings and perform the same computation.

I think this semantics should be sufficient for neighbor sampling, control variate sampling, layer-wise sampling and PinSage.

jermainewang commented 5 years ago

Here are the NodeFlow semantics I would like to propose.

What's the difference with the image above? (the blue/black nodes one)

zheng-da commented 5 years ago

The biggest difference is all nodes in a layer should have the same features/embeddings and perform the same computation. That is, we don't need to distinguish blue/black nodes, which makes it difficult to define computation on the nodes and edges.

mufeili commented 5 years ago

From @mufeili

Some other thoughts:

  • For GNN training with sampling, we will be very likely to encounter the case of dynamic construction when some prioritized sampling is going to be made based on the latest node features. @jermainewang Clustering within GNN computation can also be a good example for supporting dynamic layer (flow) construction with NodeFlow.

Can append API handle this?

I think so, a hard clustering algorithm can be used to cluster the nodes based on connectivity and node embeddings and then a new flow and layer can be added indicating the mapping between the original graph and the pooled/coarsened/reduced graph.

  • It might still be good to allow message passing within a layer particularly when the graph structure is static for some consecutive layers.

Don't understand.

As you mentioned, since the graph structure is unfolded, we end up with O(L * (|V| + |E|)) memory consumption. There can be cases when several consecutive layers in a NodeFlow share the same graph structure and message passing (e.g. 2 layer full GCN within a NodeFlow). In such cases, it might reduce memory cost to still allow update within a layer before propagating through the next flow.