Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) Library, for Python, R, Java, Scala, C++ and more. Runs on single machine, Hadoop, Spark, Dask, Flink and DataFlow
After I set the weight for some instance, I found the model, however, still look the same compared to the model trained by all instance weighted the same.
I check out the code in and I do not find the weight is used to construct or set the pair.
So...Could you tell me the if the instance weight is supported for LambdaMart?
Attach the code I've checked:
// get lambda weight for the pairs
this->GetLambdaWeight(lst, &pairs);
// rescale each gradient and hessian so that the lst have constant weighted
float scale = 1.0f / param_.num_pairsample;
if (param_.fix_list_weight != 0.0f) {
scale *= param_.fix_list_weight / (gptr[k + 1] - gptr[k]);
for (size_t i = 0; i < pairs.size(); ++i) {
const ListEntry &pos = lst[pairs[i].pos_index];
const ListEntry &neg = lst[pairs[i].neg_index];
const bst_float w = pairs[i].weight * scale;
const float eps = 1e-16f;
bst_float p = common::Sigmoid(pos.pred - neg.pred);
bst_float g = p - 1.0f;
bst_float h = std::max(p * (1.0f - p), eps);
// accumulate gradient and hessian in both pid, and nid
gpair[pos.rindex].grad += g * w;
gpair[pos.rindex].hess += 2.0f * w * h;
gpair[neg.rindex].grad -= g * w;
gpair[neg.rindex].hess += 2.0f * w * h;
class PairwiseRankObj: public LambdaRankObj{
void GetLambdaWeight(const std::vector<ListEntry> &sorted_list,
std::vector<LambdaPair> *io_pairs) override {}
I am trying to use lambdamart for pairwise rank.
Refer to here: I can give the instance weight in xxx.weight file
After I set the weight for some instance, I found the model, however, still look the same compared to the model trained by all instance weighted the same.
I check out the code in and I do not find the weight is used to construct or set the pair.
So...Could you tell me the if the instance weight is supported for LambdaMart?
Attach the code I've checked: