dmlc / xgboost

Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) Library, for Python, R, Java, Scala, C++ and more. Runs on single machine, Hadoop, Spark, Dask, Flink and DataFlow
Apache License 2.0
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Error in modeling cox regression #7671

Open Jwenyi opened 2 years ago

Jwenyi commented 2 years ago

Hi, I repeatedly received the following error during the training of XGBoost (objective: survival:cox, eval_metric: cox-nloglik). I am using xgboost 1.5.2 with python 3.8 at Win10, and I've noticed that others have encountered such issue #6885. This issue seems to be unresolved till now? I am new to using XGBoost, so I have absolutely no idea how to solve this problem. I would be highly grateful if anyone could give me some useful suggestions. The Error report, my data, and my code below were attached below:

Error report:

`ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [4], in <module>
     37 if __name__ == "__main__":
     38     study = optuna.create_study(
     39         pruner=optuna.pruners.MedianPruner(n_warmup_steps=5), direction="maximize"
     40     )
---> 41     study.optimize(objective, n_trials=100)
     42     print(study.best_trial)

File D:\Softwares\ANACONDA\envs\xgboost\lib\site-packages\optuna\study\, in Study.optimize(self, func, n_trials, timeout, n_jobs, catch, callbacks, gc_after_trial, show_progress_bar)
    392 if n_jobs != 1:
    393     warnings.warn(
    394         "`n_jobs` argument has been deprecated in v2.7.0. "
    395         "This feature will be removed in v4.0.0. "
    396         "See",
    397         FutureWarning,
    398     )
--> 400 _optimize(
    401     study=self,
    402     func=func,
    403     n_trials=n_trials,
    404     timeout=timeout,
    405     n_jobs=n_jobs,
    406     catch=catch,
    407     callbacks=callbacks,
    408     gc_after_trial=gc_after_trial,
    409     show_progress_bar=show_progress_bar,
    410 )

File D:\Softwares\ANACONDA\envs\xgboost\lib\site-packages\optuna\study\, in _optimize(study, func, n_trials, timeout, n_jobs, catch, callbacks, gc_after_trial, show_progress_bar)
     64 try:
     65     if n_jobs == 1:
---> 66         _optimize_sequential(
     67             study,
     68             func,
     69             n_trials,
     70             timeout,
     71             catch,
     72             callbacks,
     73             gc_after_trial,
     74             reseed_sampler_rng=False,
     75             time_start=None,
     76             progress_bar=progress_bar,
     77         )
     78     else:
     79         if show_progress_bar:

File D:\Softwares\ANACONDA\envs\xgboost\lib\site-packages\optuna\study\, in _optimize_sequential(study, func, n_trials, timeout, catch, callbacks, gc_after_trial, reseed_sampler_rng, time_start, progress_bar)
    160         break
    162 try:
--> 163     trial = _run_trial(study, func, catch)
    164 except Exception:
    165     raise

File D:\Softwares\ANACONDA\envs\xgboost\lib\site-packages\optuna\study\, in _run_trial(study, func, catch)
    261         assert False, "Should not reach."
    263 if state == TrialState.FAIL and func_err is not None and not isinstance(func_err, catch):
--> 264     raise func_err
    265 return trial

File D:\Softwares\ANACONDA\envs\xgboost\lib\site-packages\optuna\study\, in _run_trial(study, func, catch)
    210     thread.start()
    212 try:
--> 213     value_or_values = func(trial)
    214 except exceptions.TrialPruned as e:
    215     # TODO(mamu): Handle multi-objective cases.
    216     state = TrialState.PRUNED

Input In [4], in objective(trial)
     28 # Add a callback for pruning.
     29 pruning_callback = optuna.integration.XGBoostPruningCallback(trial, "validation-cox-nloglik")
---> 30 bst = xgb.train(param, dtrain, evals=[(dvalid, "validation")], callbacks=[pruning_callback])
     31 preds = bst.predict(dvalid)
     32 pred_labels = np.rint(preds)

File D:\Softwares\ANACONDA\envs\xgboost\lib\site-packages\xgboost\, in train(params, dtrain, num_boost_round, evals, obj, feval, maximize, early_stopping_rounds, evals_result, verbose_eval, xgb_model, callbacks)
    115 def train(params, dtrain, num_boost_round=10, evals=(), obj=None, feval=None,
    116           maximize=None, early_stopping_rounds=None, evals_result=None,
    117           verbose_eval=True, xgb_model=None, callbacks=None):
    118     # pylint: disable=too-many-statements,too-many-branches, attribute-defined-outside-init
    119     """Train a booster with given parameters.
    121     Parameters
    186     Booster : a trained booster model
    187     """
--> 188     bst = _train_internal(params, dtrain,
    189                           num_boost_round=num_boost_round,
    190                           evals=evals,
    191                           obj=obj, feval=feval,
    192                           xgb_model=xgb_model, callbacks=callbacks,
    193                           verbose_eval=verbose_eval,
    194                           evals_result=evals_result,
    195                           maximize=maximize,
    196                           early_stopping_rounds=early_stopping_rounds)
    197     return bst

File D:\Softwares\ANACONDA\envs\xgboost\lib\site-packages\xgboost\, in _train_internal(params, dtrain, num_boost_round, evals, obj, feval, xgb_model, callbacks, evals_result, maximize, verbose_eval, early_stopping_rounds)
     80         break
     81     bst.update(dtrain, i, obj)
---> 82     if callbacks.after_iteration(bst, i, dtrain, evals):
     83         break
     85 bst = callbacks.after_training(bst)

File D:\Softwares\ANACONDA\envs\xgboost\lib\site-packages\xgboost\, in CallbackContainer.after_iteration(self, model, epoch, dtrain, evals)
    436     # split up `test-error:0.1234`
    437     score = [tuple(s.split(':')) for s in score]
--> 438     self._update_history(score, epoch)
    439 ret = any(c.after_iteration(model, epoch, self.history)
    440           for c in self.callbacks)
    441 return ret

File D:\Softwares\ANACONDA\envs\xgboost\lib\site-packages\xgboost\, in CallbackContainer._update_history(self, score, epoch)
    402 def _update_history(self, score, epoch):
    403     for d in score:
--> 404         name, s = d[0], float(d[1])
    405         if self.is_cv:
    406             std = float(d[2])

ValueError: could not convert string to float: '-nan(ind)'`

My code:

import numpy as np
import optuna
import warnings
import os
import datatable as dt
import xgboost as xgb
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

from modin import pandas as pd
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from optuna.visualization import plot_contour
from optuna.visualization import plot_edf
from optuna.visualization import plot_intermediate_values
from optuna.visualization import plot_optimization_history
from optuna.visualization import plot_parallel_coordinate
from optuna.visualization import plot_param_importances
from optuna.visualization import plot_slice

os.chdir("D:/BioI/Py_hub/Feature_selection_SURVIVAL") # set my wd
df = dt.fread("data.txt",sep='\t',header=True) 
df = df.to_pandas().set_index('id',drop=True)
X = df.iloc[:, 2:df.shape[1]]
y = df.iloc[:, 0:2]
y['OS'] = y['OS'].replace(1, True)
y['OS'] = y['OS'].replace(0, False)
y = y.loc[:,['OS','OS.time']]
y = y.to_records(index=False)
y = [x[1] if x[0] else -x[1] for x in y]

def c_statistic_harrell(pred, labels):
    total = 0
    matches = 0
    for i in range(len(labels)):
        for j in range(len(labels)):
            if labels[j] > 0 and abs(labels[i]) > labels[j]:
                total += 1
                if pred[j] > pred[i]:
                    matches += 1
    return matches/total

def objective(trial):
    data, target = X, y
    train_x, valid_x, train_y, valid_y = train_test_split(data, target, test_size=0.20)
    dtrain = xgb.DMatrix(train_x, label=train_y)
    dvalid = xgb.DMatrix(valid_x, label=valid_y)

    param = {
        "verbosity": 0,
        "objective": "survival:cox",
        "eval_metric": "cox-nloglik",
        "booster": trial.suggest_categorical("booster", ["gbtree", "gblinear", "dart"]),
        "lambda": trial.suggest_float("lambda", 1e-8, 1.0, log=True),
        "alpha": trial.suggest_float("alpha", 1e-8, 1.0, log=True),

    if param["booster"] == "gbtree" or param["booster"] == "dart":
        param["max_depth"] = trial.suggest_int("max_depth", 3, 10)
        param["eta"] = trial.suggest_float("eta", 1e-8, 1.0, log=True)
        param["gamma"] = trial.suggest_float("gamma", 1e-8, 1.0, log=True)
        param["grow_policy"] = trial.suggest_categorical("grow_policy", ["depthwise", "lossguide"])
    if param["booster"] == "dart":
        param["sample_type"] = trial.suggest_categorical("sample_type", ["uniform", "weighted"])
        param["normalize_type"] = trial.suggest_categorical("normalize_type", ["tree", "forest"])
        param["rate_drop"] = trial.suggest_float("rate_drop", 1e-8, 1.0, log=True)
        param["skip_drop"] = trial.suggest_float("skip_drop", 1e-8, 1.0, log=True)

    # Add a callback for pruning.
    pruning_callback = optuna.integration.XGBoostPruningCallback(trial, "validation-cox-nloglik")
    bst = xgb.train(param, dtrain, evals=[(dvalid, "validation")], callbacks=[pruning_callback])
    preds = bst.predict(dvalid)
    pred_labels = np.rint(preds)
    accuracy = c_statistic_harrell(preds, valid_y)
    return accuracy

if __name__ == "__main__":
    study = optuna.create_study(
        pruner=optuna.pruners.MedianPruner(n_warmup_steps=5), direction="maximize"
    study.optimize(objective, n_trials=100)

my data


trivialfis commented 2 years ago

Apologies for the long silence. I will gather all the errors with cox and take a deeper look.

Ruihaoh commented 2 years ago

Apologies for the long silence. I will gather all the errors with cox and take a deeper look.

Hi trivialfis

I test this hack and this might help since . This is due to reason that nloglik goes to infinity or nan then it can't be converted into float.

in the xgboost\ file

change line: "cvmap[(metric_idx, k)].append(float(v))"

to: " try: cvmap[(metric_idx, k)].append(float(v)) except: cvmap[(metric_idx, k)].append(numpy.nan)"


trivialfis commented 2 years ago

Thank you for sharing. Yeah that seems to be a quick fix. I would like to try to avoid generating nan if it's possible. Also, we might find a better way to serialize the floating point.