Scalable, Portable and Distributed Gradient Boosting (GBDT, GBRT or GBM) Library, for Python, R, Java, Scala, C++ and more. Runs on single machine, Hadoop, Spark, Dask, Flink and DataFlow
Hi! Thanks a lot for the quick release of 1.7.2 to hotfix #8491, now SparkXGBRanker can work more properly. Based on 1.7.2, I also have encountered 2 issues of SparkXGBRanker regarding evaluation metrics,
1) inaccurate eval metric output given different number of workers
while I use num_workers=1 and num_workers=4 and same parameter set to train the model, the results of model._xgb_sklearn_model.best_score are very different, I also write a manual eval function and the results also do not align with model._xgb_sklearn_model.best_score under both cases, the eval metric I used for early stopping is "NDCG@10"
internal ndcg@10 on validation data ~ model._xgb_sklearn_model.best_score
num_workers = 1
manual train ndcg@10 -- 0.5931561486501443, internal ndcg@10 on validation data -- 0.46678797961901586, manual valid ndcg@10 -- 0.43402427434921265
num_workers = 4
manual train ndcg@10 -- 0.5499394648169217, internal ndcg@10 on validation data -- 0.6978460945534216, manual valid ndcg@10 -- 0.43996799528598785
Could you take a look at the eval metric logics and fix it? Here are the code to reproduce:
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, SQLContext, Row
from pyspark.sql.types import *
from pyspark.mllib.linalg import Vectors,VectorUDT, SparseVector
from pyspark.sql.functions import monotonically_increasing_id
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from import vector_to_array
from xgboost.spark import SparkXGBRanker
import numpy as np
import random
def read_libsvm(filepath, spark_session):
with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
raw_data = [x.split() for x in f.readlines()]
outcome = [int(x[0]) for x in raw_data]
qid = [int(x[1].split(':')[1]) for x in raw_data]
index_value_dict = list()
for row in raw_data:
index_value_dict.append(dict([(int(x.split(':')[0]), float(x.split(':')[1]))
for x in row[2:]]))
max_idx = max([max(x.keys()) for x in index_value_dict])
rows = [
group_id = qid[i],
feat_vector=SparseVector(max_idx + 1, index_value_dict[i])
for i in range(len(index_value_dict))
df = spark_session.createDataFrame(rows)
return df
def map_column_value_to_rn(data, input_column, rn_column):
distinct_column_values =
map_to_rn = F.udf(lambda x: random.random(), FloatType()).asNondeterministic()
column_value_to_rn_mapping = distinct_column_values.withColumn(rn_column, map_to_rn(input_column))
return data.join(column_value_to_rn_mapping, how='inner', on=input_column)
def split_data(data, split_by, valid_split=.2, test_split=.0):
RN_COLUMN = 'rn'
data = map_column_value_to_rn(data, split_by, RN_COLUMN)
train_data = data.filter(data[RN_COLUMN] >= test_split)
train_data = train_data.withColumn('validationCol', F.when(F.col(RN_COLUMN) >= test_split + valid_split, F.lit(False)).otherwise(F.lit(True)))
train_data = train_data.drop(RN_COLUMN)
train_data_group ='group_id').distinct()
train_data_group = train_data_group.coalesce(1).withColumn("qid", monotonically_increasing_id())
train_data = train_data.join(F.broadcast(train_data_group), ['group_id'])
return train_data
def dcg(y_true, y_score, k, formula='traditional'):
order = np.argsort(y_score)[::-1]
y_true = np.take(y_true, order[:k])
if formula=='alternative':
gain = 2 ** y_true - 1
gain = y_true
discounts = np.log2(np.arange(len(y_true)) + 2)
return np.sum(gain / discounts)
def ndcg(y_true, y_score, k):
formula = 'alternative'
if not k:
k = len(y_true)
return float(dcg(y_true, y_score, k, formula) / dcg(y_true, y_true, k, formula))
def get_ndcg(model, df):
transformed_df = model.transform(df)
transformed_df_group = transformed_df.groupby('group_id').agg(F.count('label').alias('group'), F.count('prediction').alias('group_pred'), F.collect_list('prediction').alias('pred'), F.collect_list('label').alias('label'))
transformed_df_group = transformed_df_group.withColumn('ndcg@10', ndcg(F.col('label'), F.col('pred'), F.lit(10)))
ndcg10_df = transformed_df_group.where(~F.isnan(F.col('ndcg@10'))).select(F.mean(F.col('ndcg@10')).alias('ndcg@10')).cache()
ndcg10 = ndcg10_df.collect()[0][0]
return ndcg10
sparkSession = (SparkSession
.config('spark.dynamicAllocation.enabled', 'false')
sqlContext = SQLContext(sparkSession)
df = read_libsvm("train.txt", sparkSession)
df = df.withColumn('features', vector_to_array('feat_vector', dtype="float32"))
df_train = split_data(df, 'group_id', valid_split=.2, test_split=.0)
params = {"objective": "rank:ndcg",
"eval_metric": "ndcg@10"}
ranker1 = SparkXGBRanker(qid_col="qid", features_col="features", validation_indicator_col="validationCol", early_stopping_rounds=5, num_workers=1)
model1 =
ndcg10_train1 = get_ndcg(model1, df_train.filter(F.col("validationCol") == False))
ndcg10_valid1 = get_ndcg(model1, df_train.filter(F.col("validationCol") == True))
print('manual train ndcg@10 -- {}, internal ndcg@10 on validation data -- {}, manual valid ndcg@10 -- {}'.format(ndcg10_train1, model1._xgb_sklearn_model.best_score, ndcg10_valid1))
ranker2 = SparkXGBRanker(qid_col="qid", features_col="features", validation_indicator_col="validationCol", early_stopping_rounds=5, num_workers=4)
model2 =
ndcg10_train2 = get_ndcg(model2, df_train.filter(F.col("validationCol") == False))
ndcg10_valid2 = get_ndcg(model2, df_train.filter(F.col("validationCol") == True))
print('manual train ndcg@10 -- {}, internal ndcg@10 on validation data -- {}, manual valid ndcg@10 -- {}'.format(ndcg10_train2, model2._xgb_sklearn_model.best_score, ndcg10_valid2))
2) SparkXGBRanker can not pass multiple eval metrics
SparkXGBRanker does not support passing multiple eval metrics yet, could you add this feature into roadmap?
Hi! Thanks a lot for the quick release of 1.7.2 to hotfix #8491, now SparkXGBRanker can work more properly. Based on 1.7.2, I also have encountered 2 issues of SparkXGBRanker regarding evaluation metrics,
A sample dataset is attached to reproduce the results
1) inaccurate eval metric output given different number of workers while I use num_workers=1 and num_workers=4 and same parameter set to train the model, the results of model._xgb_sklearn_model.best_score are very different, I also write a manual eval function and the results also do not align with model._xgb_sklearn_model.best_score under both cases, the eval metric I used for early stopping is "NDCG@10"
internal ndcg@10 on validation data ~ model._xgb_sklearn_model.best_score
num_workers = 1 manual train ndcg@10 -- 0.5931561486501443, internal ndcg@10 on validation data -- 0.46678797961901586, manual valid ndcg@10 -- 0.43402427434921265
num_workers = 4 manual train ndcg@10 -- 0.5499394648169217, internal ndcg@10 on validation data -- 0.6978460945534216, manual valid ndcg@10 -- 0.43996799528598785
Could you take a look at the eval metric logics and fix it? Here are the code to reproduce:
2) SparkXGBRanker can not pass multiple eval metrics SparkXGBRanker does not support passing multiple eval metrics yet, could you add this feature into roadmap?
The error is that: