dmnfarrell / epitopepredict

Python package and command line tool for epitope prediction
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fasta2Dataframe bug #7

Closed partrita closed 2 years ago

partrita commented 2 years ago

code example to get sequence data in

import epitopepredict as ep
from epitopepredict import base, sequtils, analysis, plotting

#get sequences from fasta file
df = sequtils.fasta2Dataframe("../data/sequence.fasta")
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [4], in <cell line: 8>()
      5 print(base.predictors)
      6 # p = base.get_predictor('tepitope')
      7 #get sequences from fasta file
----> 8 df = sequtils.fasta2Dataframe("../data/sequence.fasta")
      9 # df = sequtils.fasta_to_dataframe("../data/sequence.fasta")
     10 df

AttributeError: module 'epitopepredict.sequtils' has no attribute 'fasta2Dataframe'

should be like this

df = sequtils.fasta_to_dataframe("../data/sequence.fasta")
dmnfarrell commented 2 years ago
