dmolina / DaemonMode.jl

Client-Daemon workflow to run faster scripts in Julia
MIT License
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Remote execution via string #39

Open aminnj opened 3 years ago

aminnj commented 3 years ago

First, thank you for this excellent package!

I wonder if it's possible to support remote execution via ssh tunneling. I saw there is the ability to execute a string with runexpr() but it does a cd(dir) before executing the string. Maybe a simple change could provide a way for remote execution via ssh without too much trouble: (Then one can bypass the cd(dir) by feeding cwd=".")

Remote machine

julia --startup-file=no -e "using DaemonMode; serve(3001)"

Local machine

# script to verify we're indeed executing on the remote machine
$ cat test.jl

# tunnel locally
ssh -N -f -L localhost:3001:localhost:3001 <remote-hostname>

# send the script as a string to be executed on the remote machine.
julia --startup-file=no -e 'using DaemonMode; runexpr(read("test.jl", String), cwd=".", port=3001)'
dmolina commented 3 years ago

Thank you, @aminnj, for your nice comment :smile:.

It is true that it could be easy to have a remote version. It is only needed:

Currently I am travelling online for my holidays, but when I return I expect to work on the remote version. I will inform you when I will have a first working version.

Best regards

c42f commented 2 years ago

If you're interested in remote execution, do check out my package

I've already got three different types of tunnels there including ssh, and I'm considering adding other transport mechanisms (for example, a TLS-based transport to allow operation without a tunnel).

There's quite a lot of similarities between DaemonMode and RemoteREPL so we could probably share a lot of the basic infrastructure (tunnels, wire protocol, persistent connections, etc).