dmpayton / django-admin-honeypot

:honey_pot: A fake Django admin login screen page.
MIT License
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Update for modern Django! #66

Open pydanny opened 4 years ago

pydanny commented 4 years ago

Modern Django could really use this tool. I want to keep it in Two Scoops of Django 3.x!

dmpayton commented 4 years ago

Done. See #67 and #68. I'm going to leave this open until there's an updated release on PyPI.

Thanks @pydanny for the nudge and @harisibrahimkv for doing the bulk of the work! 🎉

9mido commented 4 years ago

Any idea when the new version will be available on PyPi?

dmpayton commented 4 years ago

@9mido I'll issue a PyPI release when #62 is resolved.

GitRon commented 4 years ago

Hi @dmpayton

I just saw some deprecation warnings for django 4.0:

site-packages\admin_honeypot\ RemovedInDjango40Warning: The providing_args argument is deprecated. As it is purely documentational, it has no replacement. If you rely on this argument as documentation, you can move the text to a code comment or docstring.


site-packages\admin_honeypot\ RemovedInDjango40Warning: django.utils.translation.ugettext_lazy() is deprecated in favor of django.utils.translation.gettext_lazy().

Might be a quick win to fix this as well?

Update: Here is another one, but this might impact the django versions we would be able to support...?

site-packages\admin_honeypot\ RemovedInDjango40Warning: django.conf.urls.url() is deprecated in favor of django.urls.re_path().

Best regards Ronny

dmpayton commented 4 years ago

Thanks @GitRon, that's good to know! I'm under a big work deadline atm, and likely won't have a chance to work on admin_honeypot for another week or so, but I'd happily merge a PR for this before then. :)

SuperMasterBlasterLaser commented 4 years ago

@dmpayton Looks like support for Django 3.0 had been merged. When new version will be released to pip?

GitRon commented 4 years ago

My merge requests have failed in the pipeline... Never realised that it didn't went through... I'll see that I'll have a look at them.

9mido commented 4 years ago

@GitRon Yes please fix your PR failures

GitRon commented 4 years ago

@9mido @dmpayton The develop pipeline is broken, too. The django admin and the honeypot html code are not the same anymore. But when I start adjusting it for the latest django, I'll break older tests. I need help on this one 😔

GitRon commented 4 years ago

I think I'll go with commenting out the test for now. The problem lives in the dev branch and has nothing to do with my two branches. Ok for you?

GitRon commented 4 years ago

@9mido @dmpayton All fixed 😃

SuperMasterBlasterLaser commented 3 years ago

@dmpayton @9mido Any progress on new version?

dimadk24 commented 3 years ago

Any updates on a new release? I see that many fixes were done in the dev branch, but it's not released to pypi

9mido commented 3 years ago

I have no idea. I don't maintain this project. I am like all of you just patiently waiting.

Just a suggestion but maybe this should become a jazzband project so that we could get more frequent updates?

GitRon commented 3 years ago

@9mido Might be an idea to move it to Jazzband. But can you do anything in this direction?

9mido commented 3 years ago

I don't think I can do anything @GitRon. I think @dmpayton can only do something since he is the owner of this github library. Not sure exactly.

Someone may be able to fork the github library / download the files to their desktop and upload them to their own repository and do it, but we should at least give @dmpayton a say in what direction to go in first. Personally, I would love if all github libraries I used for django were on jazzband. It makes things more open source and depends less on 1 person calling the shots or disappearing. The django community becomes the entity to maintain the github library instead. @dmpayton can still be an adviser if he wants to.

I think it would be in @dmpayton's best interest since he is so busy and all of our best interests to port this library over to jazzband. If @dmpayton does not reply soon then we may have no choice and someone needs to fork it / upload it to their own github repository but then we still run into the same problem of 1 person calling the shots or disappearing. With jazzband, you do not have these problems. Otherwise if jazzband is not what @dmpayton wants, please step up your game. It has been almost 1 year now.

According to #jazzband on IRC they say we need to submit a proposal for this project to move to jazzband.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Any updates on this?

GitRon commented 3 years ago

@dmpayton Any chance that you could find some time for handling this project? Either yourself or maybe we pass the project to jazzband like @9mido suggested?

GitRon commented 3 years ago

I will stop using this package now. Really sad but it will break with the next major release of django 🤷

9mido commented 3 years ago

@GitRon I made a proposal in jazzband. Hopefully somebody there could do something. I agree it is sad that this project seems to be no longer maintained.

blag commented 3 years ago

Hi, I have forked this project, included a few PRs (including @GitRon's Django 3 updates), and released a package to PyPI. You might have better luck with my fork.

shawnngtq commented 2 years ago

It's broken as of Django 4.0. What should we do folks?

Love this project, so helpful

blag commented 2 years ago

@shawnngtq You can use my fork which is available from PyPI as django-admin-honeypot-updated-2021. My fork should work with Django 4.0, and if it doesn't I'd be happy to accept a PR to fix it.

IrfanAkram5 commented 2 years ago

Hi, Is there any update on the project status - will there be an update on pypi? I am using Django 4.0. It appears most(all?) issues are fixed via the develop branch - I installed via pip and simply went through the errors as I hit them comparing the broken modules to the develop branch. Only issue is no ip address( not even ) in the db but I haven't looked into it further yet or tried the suggestion in the docs yet(it may be my nginx settings).

This is a good project filling a practical need. Hopefully there will be a updated release on pypi at some point.

hanckmann commented 2 years ago

Just checking (and bumping) this thread. Has there been an update from the developer and/or jazzband?