dmpayton / django-admin-honeypot

:honey_pot: A fake Django admin login screen page.
MIT License
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Django 3.1+ depreciation warning for usage of ugettext() function #83

Closed dehidehidehi closed 2 years ago

dehidehidehi commented 3 years ago

Depreciation warning from Django 3.1+: I suggest replacing all calls to ugettext() with gettext()

RemovedInDjango40Warning: django.utils.translation.ugettext() is deprecated in favor of django.utils.translation.gettext().
'title': _('Log in'),
GitRon commented 3 years ago

Possible duplicate to

DmytroLitvinov commented 3 years ago

I would say even drop support for Django<2.2 and support inly Python 3.6+. I am ready to provide PR with these changes (in code, in docs etc) if @dmpayton is interested and will merge it and will publish new release.

GitRon commented 3 years ago

@DmytroLitvinov Good idea but I fear the package is completely abandoned...

DmytroLitvinov commented 3 years ago

@GitRon , seems like so. @dmpayton we can try to move it into Jazzband organization if you don't interested in it.

blag commented 3 years ago

Hi, I have forked this project, merged a few PRs (including one that should solve this issue), and released a package to PyPI. You might have better luck with my fork.

dmpayton commented 2 years ago

Fixed in develop. Thanks for your patience!