dmshaw / paperkey

Print an OpenPGP key on paper for archive and recovery
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Error: unable to parse OpenPGP packets (is this armored data?) #10

Open AsksTooManyQuestions opened 2 years ago

AsksTooManyQuestions commented 2 years ago

Hey there!

So, here's my current problem

I have the base16 data in a txt file, and my public key in asc file

However, when I try to parse the data together, it doesn't work.

What can I do?

smalx commented 1 year ago

Dearmor key is required before using paperkey: gpg --dearmor public-key.txt (This command will create public-key.txt.gpg)

After that use paperkey: paperkey --pubring public-key.txt.gpg --secrets paperkey.txt --output secret-key.gpg