Here are my steps how to use Carthage import AssimpKit,and then program in my demo.
run 'touch Cartfile' to create a Cartfile in the same directory of my demo.xcodeproj
write 'github "dmsurti/AssimpKit" "master' in Cartfile
run Carthage update ,then a folder named Carthage created in the same directory, which containes AssimpKit
add AssimpKit.framework to my demo by click 'add files in "..."'in Xcode proj navigator
the next steps is add some model files to sandbox by iTunes.and then write demo to load files, the error shows 'unrecognized selector sent to class...'in method '[SCNScene assimpSceneWithURL: postProcessFlags:]'
So ..will you please help with some suggestions ? is there any steps I missed?
Thankyou ....
@dmsurti hey... Here are my steps how to use Carthage import AssimpKit,and then program in my demo.
the next steps is add some model files to sandbox by iTunes.and then write demo to load files, the error shows 'unrecognized selector sent to class...'in method '[SCNScene assimpSceneWithURL: postProcessFlags:]'
So ..will you please help with some suggestions ? is there any steps I missed? Thankyou ....