dmulholl / mp3cat

A command line utility for joining MP3 files.
The Unlicense
186 stars 21 forks source link

Another program has the same name #13

Closed mgiugliano closed 5 years ago

mgiugliano commented 5 years ago

It might be worth specifying that this is a distinct project from

niXta1 commented 5 years ago

niXta1 commented 5 years ago

Known issue, @mgiugliano can you close this?

mgiugliano commented 5 years ago

I could not find where you mentioned (in the or in the project web page, help, etc.) that a distinct project exists with the same name - this project is at

dmulholl commented 5 years ago

These kind of name clashes actually happen all the time - here's another one:

People have been releasing software for over 50 years now so it's bound to happen occasionally and it's only going to get worse over time as the namespace gets more and more crowded. I don't think it's really a problem worth worrying about though for two obscure programs to share the same name. Now if I decided to release an application called photoshop or gmail, that would be different :)

On the other hand, I am definitely considering renaming the utility to mp3meld as my original intention to create a pipeline utility similar in operation to cat turned out to be impossible to implement for variable bit-rate MP3 files, so the current name is a little misleading.

mgiugliano commented 5 years ago

I understand perfectly. I had politely proposed to mention the existence of another project by the same name, in the same spirit wikipedia disambiguates entries upfront. Feel free - as you should have had - to ignore my comment entirely.