dmuneras / moodle-theme_archaius

Moodle theme
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Topic box text overlapping error #8

Closed DJewit closed 10 years ago

DJewit commented 11 years ago

For some reason we are getting some overlap with pictures and text when viewing under a student role, any ideas? These are two courses I've seen do it.

Currently on Moodle 2.4.4 and happens in both IE and chrome. moodle-error

dmuneras commented 11 years ago

uuuu, it is a crazy picture. Could you give the url and access as a student to your moodle?

DJewit commented 11 years ago

Thanks for taking the time to take a look. the URL is

and the login info is

Username: teststudent Password: Test@123

dmuneras commented 11 years ago


The problem is simple, When the number of section titles is not equal to the number of sections on the course, I use the summaries as a tab, and tabs have a height of 35px (I am starting to realize that it is a problem, I will change it).

You can try to fix it, putting titles to all topics and not using the default. for example, using:

Year 1 - Unit 1. The Business Environment. as a topic title in the topic 1 and so on.

If you want to keep all graphics visibles, all time (let them inside the tab). you just have to remove the height restriction. You can do it adding a new rule in the custom CSS:

.topics .topic-tab{ height:auto; }

In my opinion, I prefer the first option, put the titles.


DJewit commented 11 years ago

Ah I see. Thanks for that! :D

So if I want the images to remain there I have to add that code into the custom CSS section in moodle?

DJewit commented 11 years ago

I changed it so that the topics weren't using the default titles and the error was still there. Then Iadded the code into the CSS section but the error is still present? Would I have to access the core code?

dmuneras commented 11 years ago

Could you give me admin access for a while?, I can try to fix it.

You can send me the admin username and password to

dmuneras commented 11 years ago

Hi Djewit.

If you want to keep the images there, this rule is going to work.

.topics .summary.topic-tab{ height:auto; }

DJewit commented 11 years ago

Hi dmuneras,

Thanks for the offer, but I think my boss would have my guts for garters if I granted admin access to a user outside of the college. Thanks again though.

The second CSS suggestion seemed to render the course usable thankfully :) Shows the images in the title now though, but I think our users will be ok with that. I'm Still unsure what was causing the error?

Is there anything I can do to make it display as just the title and not have the images/text cause a clip issue?

Thanks for all your great help already.

dmuneras commented 11 years ago

To display just the title, you have to put titles to all the topics without exceptions. You have to do the same that you did with the topic 1 and 2, with the 17 topics, after that, the tab is going to be just the title of the topic and not the complete summary.

DJewit commented 11 years ago

Oh, OK. I tried that with the first two but the images from the first two summaries were still clipping? Would that stop if I were to do them all or does the summary have to be empty?

Sorry if I'm not completely getting it D:

dmuneras commented 11 years ago


If my script finds 1 title and 17 topics: It is going to use the summaries as a tab. If my script finds 16 titles and 17 topics: It is going to use again the summaries as a tabs. If my script finds 17 titles and 17 topics: It is going to be OK and the tabs will be just the titles.

The script needs 17 tabs, if I don't have the 17 titles to create the tabs, the script have to create 17 titles, and I am using the summaries. (but it is a mistake and I will fix it).

In conclusion, If you don't put the 17 titles as you did with the first 2 topics, you are not going to see any change, It will change only when you put all titles.

Ps. Maybe it is difficult to understand because of my english. :P

DJewit commented 11 years ago

Ok. Thanks for the information! I will try to change them all tomorrow and let you know the results :D

dmuneras commented 10 years ago

Hi DJewit,

I've released a new version of my plugin. It solve the problem that you had and also have new features. You can tried it.