dmunozv04 / iSponsorBlockTV

SponsorBlock client for all YouTube TV clients.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Will there be an update that recognizes new Apple TVs automatically? #51

Closed ghstzch closed 1 year ago

ghstzch commented 1 year ago

No matter what I try, and have followed the instuctions that previous people gave to fix, I can't get this to work with my ATV 4k 3rd gen.

Will there be a new release of this package so it includes all the new fixes?

dmunozv04 commented 1 year ago

The latest fix should recognize it since it filters by OS instead of filtering by Apple TV model. Try manually pulling the latest version of the container with docker pull and please let me know if you can add you new Apple TV after that

ghstzch commented 1 year ago

I will try this and report back. Thanks for the quick and helpful response as always, David!

ghstzch commented 1 year ago

macabus:/volume1/docker/isponsorblocktv# docker pull buildcache: Pulling from dmunozv04/isponsorblocktv manifest unknown macabus:/volume1/docker/isponsorblocktv# docker pull buildcache: Pulling from dmunozv04/isponsorblocktv manifest unknown macabus:/volume1/docker/isponsorblocktv# docker pull Using default tag: latest latest: Pulling from dmunozv04/isponsorblocktv 8a49fdb3b6a5: Pull complete 0357922e53aa: Pull complete 9676b6d4b964: Pull complete ddbd03ee1059: Pull complete 877a053836a3: Pull complete 974703e674b4: Pull complete a2b47a368e2e: Pull complete 1f6ffcc1f026: Pull complete 4f4fb700ef54: Pull complete b9568252c679: Pull complete ab3fdf546277: Pull complete Digest: sha256:15f150c2ca6360af579952ac695ff6f92669e6c1fb5a28f2fc256fd9916470ed Status: Downloaded newer image for macabus:/volume1/docker/isponsorblocktv# docker run --rm -it \ --network=host \ -v /volume1/docker/isponsorblocktv/config.json:/app/config.json \ \ --setup Creating config file Found 0 Apple TV(s) in config.json. Add more? (y/n) y Done adding Get youtube apikey here: Enter your API key:

I tried adding via the buildcache and that gave an error. Tried downloading the new image directly and it's still not seeing the ATV during the setup. If I go in manually and scan with atvremote scan, it sees it on the network and lets me pair. But when I add the credentials to the config file, the container doesnt recognize it and tells me to create a config file with --setup.

dmunozv04 commented 1 year ago

I don’t have a 3rd gen Apple TV to investigate myself, but if you are able to get the credentials manually, make sure that you’re following the latest template for the config file, you are most likely missing the entry "channel_whitelist": []

If you can, please send your config file redacting the keys with XXXX or something like that, to try to locate the issue

ghstzch commented 1 year ago

Here it is.

"atvs": [{"identifier": "330C...", "airplay_credentials": "ae04..."}],"apikey":"AIza...", "skip_categories": ["sponsor", "selfpromo", "intro", "outro"],"channel_whitelist": []

When I run the docker container with the config file in place I get this error, which I have got many times before when I've tried to get it working. Not sure what I am doing wrong. :(

Creating config file invalid config file, please run with --setup Creating config file

oxixes commented 1 year ago

Please run the setup again, as not too long ago the structure of the settings file was changed. Alternatively add "channel_whitelist": [] to the root object of the JSON, as that is most likely the problem.

dmunozv04 commented 1 year ago

You might be missing the opening and closing brackets on the file, format it like this:

   "atvs": [
         "identifier": "330C...",
         "airplay_credentials": "ae04..."
   "apikey": "AIza...",
   "skip_categories": [
   "channel_whitelist": []

Edit: please let me know if that does the trick

ghstzch commented 1 year ago

Making some good progress here! Thank you both for all the help.

Discovering devices on network... Connecting to Push updater started Could not find video id ID: YLC9rZ2e0Ms, Channel ID: UCXuqSBlHAE6Xw-yeJA0Tunw [{'start': 0, 'end': 3.107, 'UUID': ['9ce3044ca92e0d133fb8dd8976ec25cd209d02d014577da158074c1940dcde0b6']}, {'start': 40.687, 'end': 61.463, 'UUID': ['5692b4e69e78cf161afaacad6ff9d274671dd17d051c439531df02f7d13f552c6']}, {'start': 513.536, 'end': 561.285, 'UUID': ['71db74461bb4d4de36be2140c7b7deccf3d8b0b303b7b08c87f5a6c81a6a085d6']}, {'start': 1115.055, 'end': 1125.778, 'UUID': ['295bcdcb3c610fd6fec89c231eaf478e95f151432f78ce0fa155c141db5da25b6']}, {'start': 1223.336, 'end': 1234.961, 'UUID': ['1e0a87cabaa0a2e20ea2078f94dfe3a0c0f1ad8345254fe220c45bd5fec88bd96']}]

It is at least pulling data now. I noticed it didn't skip in this video but I will try restarting the apple tv and a few things and see if that works and do some more testing.

Thanks again for this awesome application and helping me out.

dmunozv04 commented 1 year ago

It looks like it’s working perfectly. Even if it sometimes shows Could not find video id , the fact that it got some segments means that it’s working