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Add ability to user `--overwrite-when-only-on-disk` flag #640

Open dynamic-entropy opened 8 months ago

dynamic-entropy commented 8 months ago

Task description FTS has completed their round of internal discussions about the requested feature of the --overwrite-when-only-on-disk flag as a proposed solution, jointly by CMS DM and FTS. Here is the proposal put forward by FTS:

A previous document, presented by @drkovalskyi at the DMDev meeting, explaining the issue and rationale behind the proposed solution can be found here,

Related issues This is not a directly related issue but I will do it together with this one: Tape file exists errors reports: Jira ticket for the same error: There is a long list of tickets :sweat_smile: but these capture some initial reporting on the error and the core idea.

Action items

FYI @ericvaandering @dciangot

labkode commented 2 months ago

Draft PR here: Waiting for my FTS colleagues to implement it server side to test.

KPI to measure FILE_EXISTS errors

dynamic-entropy commented 2 months ago

FTS development is being tracked here,