dmwm / CRAB2

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in 2_11_1_pre5 -submit 1 -GRID.se_black_list=T1,T2 gives error #1185

Closed belforte closed 9 years ago

belforte commented 9 years ago

belforte@lxplus0124/TESTCRAB> crab -submit 1 -GRID.se_black_list=T1,T2 crab: Version 2.11.1_pre5 running on Tue Sep 9 14:42:51 2014 CET (12:42:51 UTC)

crab. Working options: scheduler remoteglidein job type CMSSW server OFF working directory /afs/

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/afs/", line 938, in File "/afs/", line 871, in run if act in self.actions.keys(): self.actions[act].run() File "/afs/", line 115, in run self.BuildJobList() File "/afs/", line 72, in BuildJobList cleanedBlackWhiteList = cleanPsnListForBlackWhiteLists(job['dlsDestination'], self.seBlackList, self.seWhiteList) File "/afs/", line 249, in cleanPsnListForBlackWhiteLists tmpList.remove(dest) ValueError: list.remove(x): x not in list

belforte commented 9 years ago

also if put in crab.cfg SE_black_list = T1,T2

belforte commented 9 years ago

can't reproduce this :-(

belforte commented 9 years ago

can reproduce it now with datasetpath = /GenericTTbar/HC-CMSSW_5_3_1_START53_V5-v1/GEN-SIM-RECO SE_black_list = T1,T2

belforte commented 9 years ago

indeed it does not fail if I put datasetpath = /SingleMu/Run2012B-TOPMuPlusJets-22Jan2013-v1/AOD


belforte commented 9 years ago

problem was due to attempt to remove a site twice if BlackList had "duplicates" like T1,T1_FR_CCIN2P3