dmwm / CRABClient

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client v3.231101 creates bad PSet.pkl #5279

Closed belforte closed 6 months ago

belforte commented 6 months ago

as discussed in changes introduced in v2.231101 make CRABClient use python3 for creating the pickle, while when cmsRun reads it it uses python2. And fails.

belforte commented 6 months ago

Given that the error is not a pickle forma incompatibility, but rather about missing objects, I fear that we can't fix this by e.g. adding protocol=0 to the pickle, but it is really due to different dependencies in CMSSW when using py2 or py3. I.e. there is no alternative to "pickle using same python as cmsRun will use to unpickle".

options that come to mind

  1. expand the pickle in the job wrapper using python3 before passing it to cmsRun (or even do this client side and send a ?)
  2. use JSON instead of pickle
  3. go back to running CRABClient in same python as default for cmsRun (give up on using Rucio for CMSSW < 12)
  4. move CMSSW config manipulation in to a separate script which runs in current CMSSW default python
  5. automatically switch to python2 for crab submit when using CMSSW < 12 like planned for #5239
belforte commented 6 months ago

@makortel what is the way to tell if current CMSSW version will use python2 or python3 when it processes the PSet ?

I am leaning for option 5. It looks the safest and it is quite simple to implement with a couple lines in

belforte commented 6 months ago

so adding this in makes it work for config used by Federico Vazzoler in the cms-talk thread

[ $CMSSW_Major -le 12 ] &&  [ X$1 == Xsubmit ] && python_cmd="python"

I guess we only need to be sure at which CMSSW release to make the switch from python2 to python3 in preparing the PSet.pkl

makortel commented 6 months ago

what is the way to tell if current CMSSW version will use python2 or python3 when it processes the PSet ?

I think the simplest is "CMSSW <= 12_0_0_pre3 uses python2, CMSSW >= 12_0_0_pre4 uses python3". So if one ignores the pre-releases (which is probably safe assumption by now), the "use python2 for CMSSW < 12" would indeed be the way to go.

belforte commented 6 months ago

Fixing this will also solve the problem reported in which again stems from using python3 for crab submit on a CMSSW release which is not python3 ready

belforte commented 6 months ago

my apologiels @makortel, I do not know how/why I failed to note this comment of yours 3 days ago. Sorry for the extra noise in cms-talk

what is the way to tell if current CMSSW version will use python2 or python3 when it processes the PSet ?

I think the simplest is "CMSSW <= 12_0_0_pre3 uses python2, CMSSW >= 12_0_0_pre4 uses python3". So if one ignores the pre-releases (which is probably safe assumption by now), the "use python2 for CMSSW < 12" would indeed be the way to go.