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improve error handling on getoutput #5305

Open belforte opened 2 months ago

belforte commented 2 months ago

a spurios "failed to retrieve file" is generated when gfal_copy contains a line with the error string even if the message was harmless and transfer worked OK. E.g.

TLS: Unable to create TLS context; invalid private key.
TLS: 47882433451776:error:0B080074:x509 certificate routines:X509_check_private_key:key values mismatch:crypto/x509/x509_cmp.c:303:


It is better to rely on gfal-copy exit code first. And only parse stderr in case of failure so somehow translate known messages into more clear error categories.

relevant code is in

belforte commented 2 months ago

Not very urgent since so far the spurious TLS error only appear when running in Jenkins nodes. But it indicates a fragility