all we know about this so far:
Katy had a meeting with convenors of new Common Analysis Tools (CAT) group. They already have questions about CRAB, one is: Running in an ad-hoc container instead of CMSSW standard singularity image.
This may be possible already, Dario has info which he will share although the container needs to be on CVMFS (quite a limitation in a way). Dario passed this config to Shahzad some time ago
We need to understand the use case, and decide if to support.
We need to verify and understand details and decide how to document/offer this to users.
Since request came from CAT convenors, put prio as high, at least meaning that we need to undrestand more and clarify before we define exactly what to do
all we know about this so far: Katy had a meeting with convenors of new Common Analysis Tools (CAT) group. They already have questions about CRAB, one is: Running in an ad-hoc container instead of CMSSW standard singularity image.
This may be possible already, Dario has info which he will share although the container needs to be on CVMFS (quite a limitation in a way). Dario passed this config to Shahzad some time ago
We need to understand the use case, and decide if to support. We need to verify and understand details and decide how to document/offer this to users.
Since request came from CAT convenors, put prio as high, at least meaning that we need to undrestand more and clarify before we define exactly what to do