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use a list or reliable sites for tape recall #8356

Closed belforte closed 2 months ago

belforte commented 2 months ago

do it now, before I forget

belforte commented 2 months ago

current list for Europe is:

Will use rseExpression = T1_DE_KIT_Disk|T1_ES_PIC_Disk|T1_FR_CCIN2P3_Disk|T1_IT_CNAF_Disk|T1_UK_RAL_Disk|T2_BE_IIHE|T2_BE_UCL|T2_CH_CERN|T2_CH_CSCS|T2_DE_DESY|T2_DE_RWTH|T2_EE_Estonia|T2_ES_CIEMAT|T2_FI_HIP|T2_FR_GRIF|T2_FR_GRIF_IRFU|T2_FR_GRIF_LLR|T2_FR_IPHC|T2_HU_Budapest|T2_IN_TIFR|T2_IT_Bari|T2_IT_Legnaro|T2_IT_Pisa|T2_IT_Rome|T2_KR_KISTI|T2_PL_Swierk|T2_UK_London_IC|T2_UK_SGrid_RALPP

not too bad (current code picks sites with > 1PB disk, which cuts away most edge cases) but e.g. should remove TIFR and Swierk unitl they get good

and for FNAL we have all US sites plus Brazil, which should go away