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Publisher support for PyPI image #8368

Closed novicecpp closed 2 months ago

novicecpp commented 2 months ago

Please see detail changes in

CI pipeline is not ready yet but manual deploy with this change is working fine for Publisher_schedd.

@belforte, @mapellidario, either one of you approves is enough for me. No need to read line by line, just give me the pointer where you have a question and I will explain/fix it.

cmsdmwmbot commented 2 months ago

Jenkins results:

Details at

cmsdmwmbot commented 2 months ago

Jenkins results:

Details at

belforte commented 2 months ago

wow, lot's of things to read in here. One question, you are changing PublisherFiles location, does it need a corresponding change in the publisher config (i.e. puppet) ?

novicecpp commented 2 months ago


After this merge, I will test in preprod and re-deploy Publisher to ALL environment.

belforte commented 2 months ago

I am bit worried about the need to syncronize puppet change with container change everywhere at same time, IIUC. I always struggle with that.

As to the actual body of this, sorry I did not look yet, was a bit scare by so maby changed files. I may have some time this afternoon. Tuesday morning is bad for me.

novicecpp commented 2 months ago

I am bit worried about the need to syncronize puppet change with container change everywhere at same time, IIUC. I always struggle with that.

IIUC, WMCore Configuration does not have a live configuration update, so updating the puppet will not affect the running process immediately (unless it restarts itself, which is pretty rare).

As to the actual body of this, sorry I did not look yet, was a bit scare by so maby changed files. I may have some time this afternoon. Tuesday morning is bad for me.

No problem. I can wait. You can skip reviewing this PR if you would like. Dario already approves, and a change that affects production is what I explained above.

cmsdmwmbot commented 2 months ago

Jenkins results:

Details at

cmsdmwmbot commented 2 months ago

Jenkins results:

Details at

belforte commented 2 months ago
 IIUC, WMCore Configuration does not have a live configuration update, so updating the puppet will not affect the running process immediately (unless it restarts itself, which is pretty rare).

True. But Publisher calls executes via python3 <path>/ --conf .... --taskname .... and it uses config.General.taskFilesDir to know where to pick the JSON input file for every task.

If we move files to a different direcotry /data/srv/Publisher/PublisherFiles instead of /data/srv/Publisher_Files that and possibly other things will break if the directory content is not ported over.

I think that we should stop the container and start with a modified runContainer which mounts the old directory in the new place or something like that.

I am starting to worry that this is not fully under control yet.

novicecpp commented 2 months ago


belforte commented 2 months ago

code aside, isn't the true that we simply want to do mv Publisher_Files Publisher/PublisherFiles ? Maybe as simple as Stop containers, mv directories in /data/container, run puppet, cross fingers, restart containers ?

novicecpp commented 2 months ago

No no.

In the master branch, we do -v /data/container/Publisher_schedd/PublisherFiles:/data/srv/Publisher_files (Reminder, -v or "bind mount" format is -v <host_path>:<container_path>). This PR, I do -v /data/container/Publisher_schedd/PublisherFiles:/data/srv/Publisher/PublisherFiles.

No need to move data in the host space, only stop the Publisher before applying the Puppet.

belforte commented 2 months ago

Beg to disagree. I think it will be more clear and easier to support if directory structure in the host matches what's used in the container, and have a single mount point for -v /data/container/Publisher_rucio:/data/srv/Publisher. Once Publishers are stopped, there's no cost in one mv But of course we can get there in steps :-)

belforte commented 2 months ago

overall I have no problems with this, other than the concern about the transition from old to new configuration.

novicecpp commented 2 months ago

Ah...I understand you now. We cannot mount to /data/srv/Publisher directly because it contains scripts. I incline to your idea, but we need to rewire the path inside the container a bit (from /data/srv/Publisher/logs to something like /data/srv/Publisher/hostdisk/logs.

Let me close this and open another issue/pr for it.

Thanks for comments Stefano, especially on how Publisher work!.

belforte commented 2 months ago

Thanks for pointing out how I forgot that /data/srv/Publisher must be a real directory inside the container !

novicecpp commented 2 months ago

FYI, I have forced Puppet to pull the version before this PR to prevent breaking Monit scripts.

I will crosscheck and apply this PR to Puppet next week.

belforte commented 2 months ago

I fully trust you