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TW fails to catch and report crashes during submission to HTCondor #8420

Closed belforte closed 1 month ago

belforte commented 1 month ago

see e.g.

which ends with

2024-05-17 23:55:00,612:INFO:DagmanSubmitter:User piperov mapped to local groups {'T3_US_FNALLPC', 'T2_US_Purdue', '/cms'}.
2024-05-17 23:55:00,612:DEBUG:DagmanSubmitter:Finally submitting to the schedd

the slave died at that time

[crab3@crab-prod-tw01 processes]$ ls -l proc.c3id_5.pid_54.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 crab3 crab3 9874340 May 17 23:55 proc.c3id_5.pid_54.txt
[crab3@crab-prod-tw01 processes]$ tail -2  proc.c3id_5.pid_54.txt
2024-05-17 23:55:00,612:INFO:DagmanSubmitter:User piperov mapped to local groups {'T3_US_FNALLPC', 'T2_US_Purdue', '/cms'}.
2024-05-17 23:55:00,612:DEBUG:DagmanSubmitter:Finally submitting to the schedd
[crab3@crab-prod-tw01 processes]$ 

and the task was left in QUEUED forever

Task stuck in QUEUED is bad, and crashed slave is worse !

The submission failure was due to a bad extraJDL argument on user side

in the Task Info tab of the UI

tm_extrajdl ['Requirements = regexp("bell",Machine)==False']

in the user config (as privately reported by @kpedro88 ) :

config.Debug.extraJDL = ['Requirements = regexp("bell",Machine)==False']
mapellidario commented 1 month ago

I manually set the task status of [1] to "submitfailed" in the DB


belforte commented 1 month ago

I am testing adding this to my task

config.Debug.extraJDL = ['Requirements = regexp("bell",Machine)==False']

interestingly, in DagmanSubmitter, just before calling schedd.submit(dagAd,... the dagAd object contain both these

(Pdb) dagAd['Requirements']
true || false
(Pdb) dagAd['Requirements ']
' regexp("bell",Machine)==False'

The former comes from and I have no idea what it is supposed to mean, but since Brian B. put it there in the original version, it must be needed or at least not harm. Maybe a way to say "no requirements from here", since anyhow schedd will add requirements based on site, memory, cores...

The latter appears to contain an extra space and extra single quotes. Indeed if I do print(dagAd) I get:

        CRAB_UserHN = "belforte"; 
        'Requirements ' = " regexp(\"bell\",Machine)==False"; 
        CRAB_UserRole = undefined; 
        CRAB_AsyncDest = "T2_CH_CERN"; 
        Requirements = true || false; 
        CRAB_UserDN = "/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=Organic Units/OU=Users/CN=belforte/CN=373708/CN=Stefano Belforte"; 
belforte commented 1 month ago

and when I execute the submit line I get

-> clusterId = schedd.submit(dagAd, 1, True, resultAds)
(Pdb) n
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::python::error_already_set'
./ line 65: 24746 Aborted                 (core dumped) python3 -m pdb ${COMMAND_DIR}/ ${CONFIG} --logDebug

which IMHO suggests that setting Requirements twice triggers the error_already_set in the C++ side of the HTCondor API which ends in abort and core dump, not a python exception.

I do not know if there's a way to catch that.

belforte commented 1 month ago

hmm.. not really. HTCondor doc clearly states that if multiple Requirementa classAd's are present in the submission, only the last one is used. So the boost::python::error_already_set must be something else

I am also quite puzzled that single quotes made it to the classAd value, the code which handles the extraJDL is in here

belforte commented 1 month ago

If I remove the extra spaces around the = in the extraJDL things "work" in the sense that CRAB overrides the user attempt to redefine Requirements with "our" ones, as by design, and there is no error. This can be achieved stripping start/end spaces in adName and adVal : which makes the code a bit more robust.

Still I do not know how to possibly catch the boost error :-(

Do we need to resurrect "calling schedd.submit in a forked subprocess" ?

belforte commented 1 month ago

I have no problem with the user's attempt to set Requirements to be ignored, documentation clearly states that extraJDL is for experts only. In this case people who tried to use it did not know how glideinWms works.

belforte commented 1 month ago

Indeed even the simple config.Debug.extraJDL = ['This = that'] results in boost::python::error_already_set. Same for config.Debug.extraJDL = ['This = "that"'].

Conclusion: spaces around the = sign are what kills us and need to be sanitized regardless of the very special use case which gave start to this

belforte commented 1 month ago

As to catching the fact that slave aborts and task is left in QUEUED, the only info we have atm are these lines in nohup.out i.e. the stdout/stderr or the master worker:

[crab3@crab-prod-tw01 TaskManager]$ cat nohup.out 
[...usual messages about jwt and OpenSSL..]
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::python::error_already_set'
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::python::error_already_set'
[crab3@crab-prod-tw01 TaskManager]$ 

We can possibly monitor-for or otherwise discover dead workers, but a restart will not fix (the QUEUED tasks will be processed again) and checking logs to find which task was being processed and what went wrong will take a lot of human time.

One way I can think f now it to change MasterWorker to fork a separate process for each task, up to a maximun number of concurrent ones. Like we do in PublisherMaster. Instead of the current fixed pool of slaves which get work from a shared queue. That's quite a change, but may help in other ways too.

Another way is to check if slave is alive inside the master loop and record somewhere the current task of a slave. I do not know how to do it atm, but could be possible. TW slaves are instances of multiprocessing.Process like the MasterPublisher ones for which we already use the is_alivemethod

Checking on heatch of TW slave is something we "need to do" since ever, urgency comes and go as problems which make them die come and go.

@novicecpp I will welcome your suggestions @mapellidario I will welcome your suggestions

!!! Sorry Marco Mambelli if you were spammed.

mapellidario commented 1 month ago

I had experience with subprocess.Popen, I never really used multiproessing, so it took me a while to come up with a proper suggestion.

Long story short: I think that in we need to regularly loop over every process in self.pool and:

Example, that provides a longer explaination ```python import multiprocessing import time import os import signal def worker(x, qout, pids): print(f"pid={os.getpid()}; input={x}") pids.put(os.getpid()) time.sleep(10) qout.put(x*x) def main(): inputs = list(range(1,6)) qin = multiprocessing.Queue() for i in inputs: qin.put(i) qout = multiprocessing.Queue() pids = multiprocessing.Queue() pool = [] for _ in range(qin.qsize()): x = qin.get() p = multiprocessing.Process(target=worker, args = (x, qout, pids)) p.start() pool.append(p) print("started the processes") pkill = pids.get() print("about to kill: ", pkill) os.kill(pkill, signal.SIGKILL) print("check if a process died") for p in pool: print(f" died(0)? pid={}; alive={p.is_alive()}; exitcode={p.exitcode}") p.join(timeout=0.1) print(f" died(1)? pid={}; alive={p.is_alive()}; exitcode={p.exitcode}") print("wait until all processes finish") for p in pool: p.join() print(f" finished? pid={}; alive={p.is_alive()}; exitcode={p.exitcode}") print("processes finished. results:") for _ in range(qout.qsize()): print(" ", qout.get()) if __name__ == "__main__": main() ``` output ```plaintext > python pid=564448; input=1 pid=564449; input=2 pid=564451; input=3 started the processes pid=564453; input=4 about to kill: 564448 check if a process died died(0)? pid=564448; alive=True; exitcode=None pid=564455; input=5 died(1)? pid=564448; alive=False; exitcode=-9 died(0)? pid=564449; alive=True; exitcode=None died(1)? pid=564449; alive=True; exitcode=None died(0)? pid=564451; alive=True; exitcode=None died(1)? pid=564451; alive=True; exitcode=None died(0)? pid=564453; alive=True; exitcode=None died(1)? pid=564453; alive=True; exitcode=None died(0)? pid=564455; alive=True; exitcode=None died(1)? pid=564455; alive=True; exitcode=None wait until all processes finish finished? pid=564448; alive=False; exitcode=-9 finished? pid=564449; alive=False; exitcode=0 finished? pid=564451; alive=False; exitcode=0 finished? pid=564453; alive=False; exitcode=0 finished? pid=564455; alive=False; exitcode=0 processes finished. results: 4 9 16 25 ``` notice the lines: ```plaintext died(0)? pid=564448; alive=True; exitcode=None died(1)? pid=564448; alive=False; exitcode=-9 ``` this means the before the join the value of `is_alive()` can not really be trusted, it can be outdated!


belforte commented 1 month ago

I think that is_alive can be trusted but you need to put some delay between these lines to give the process time to die

 os.kill(pkill, signal.SIGKILL)
    print("check if a process died")
    for p in pool:
        print(f" died(0)? pid={}; alive={p.is_alive()}; exitcode={p.exitcode}")

I added 1 sec sleep and it is OK, if I am not mistaken.

all in all, I use is_alive in Publisher and works even w/o join

Sorry if I was not clear, I want feedback on a plan. Not converge on all implementation details right away. I know how to start processes, I am not sure how exactly to change the code which we did not touch "since ever" w/o too much risk. And I do not know a good way to tell which task was being worked on when process. crashed

mapellidario commented 1 month ago

If the plan is "let's invest time to make sure that we detect dead workers", then I am all in.

if you need help with a plan for " a good way to tell which task was being worked on when process. crashed" or "I am not sure how exactly to change the code which we did not touch "since ever" w/o too much risk", then sorry i am not sure how to do it without giving feedback that will be rejected as "implementation details"

belforte commented 1 month ago

in other words: it will be a bit of work and require a lot of testing. If we decide to do it, let's open a new issue and discuss details there.

Adding detection of dead workers e.g. in by adding an is_alive check should be easy and as long as we simply record a message, safe !

novicecpp commented 1 month ago

What's about handling the task that causes the child's process to crash?

novicecpp commented 1 month ago

One way I can think f now it to change MasterWorker to fork a separate process for each task, up to a maximun number of concurrent ones. Like we do in PublisherMaster. Instead of the current fixed pool of slaves which get work from a shared queue.

I support this idea, also solve

We can divide into 2 steps, first is wrap the work() in to execute in grandchild process. If this work well, refactor the code at MasterWorker to spawn child each task

One concern is about performance. It will fork grandchild for every task, which costs a lot of CPU overhead.

mapellidario commented 1 month ago

It's also true that TW actions take at least a few seconds, spawning a new process for every task may not be a that much more cpu usage in the grand scheme of things


belforte commented 1 month ago

we discussed in the meeting and agreed on Wa's suggestion and can go straight for forking one child to handle each task and take care of timeout at same time. Will open ad-hoc issue

belforte commented 1 month ago

I am closing this on: