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use voms-clients-java in PyPI container #8437

Closed belforte closed 1 month ago

belforte commented 1 month ago

we have determined that voms-client v2 (C++) present in wma image which we use as base does not work with new IAM server (cms-auth) [1], while the v3 (Java) is OK

Situation with C++ client is confused, since in the wma image we have Version: 2.1.0 which works with old VOMS servers but not with new one, while in the host we have Version: 2.1.1 which works on both. We also have Version: 2.1.1 in the rpm-based container (Debian repo vs. epel repo ?)

Anyhow, since CERN deploys the Java client on lxplus* now, we can do the same.

The debian package name is voms-clients-java and change should go in


# verify that I am inside the container
crab3@crab-dev-tw02:/data/srv/TaskManager$ ps 1
      1 pts/0    Ss     0:01 tini -- /data/
# the C++ client
crab3@crab-dev-tw02:/data/srv/TaskManager$ voms-proxy-init2 --version
Version: 2.1.0
Compiled: Jul 24 2020 08:53:00
crab3@crab-dev-tw02:/data/srv/TaskManager$ voms-proxy-init2 --cert /data/certs/servicecert.pem --key /data/certs/servicekey.pem -voms cms -out /tmp/dummy 
Your identity: /DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=computers/CN=tw/
Cannot open fileFilename=/home/crab3/.rnd
Function: RAND_load_file
Creating temporary proxy ................................................................................................................................. Done
Contacting [/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=computers/] "cms" Failed

Error: Server Answer was incorrectly formatted.

None of the contacted servers for cms were capable
of returning a valid AC for the user.
# the Java client (after apt-get install executed as root)
crab3@crab-dev-tw02:/data/srv/TaskManager$ voms-proxy-init3 --version
voms-proxy-init v. 3.3.2 (voms-api-java/3.3.2 canl/2.6.0 bcprov/1.68.0 bcpkix/
crab3@crab-dev-tw02:/data/srv/TaskManager$ voms-proxy-init3 --cert /data/certs/servicecert.pem --key /data/certs/servicekey.pem -voms cms -out /tmp/dummy 
Contacting [/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=computers/] "cms"...
Remote VOMS server contacted succesfully.

Created proxy in /tmp/dummy.

Your proxy is valid until Wed May 29 20:26:46 UTC 2024