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overflow to T1 broken #8480

Closed belforte closed 3 weeks ago

belforte commented 3 weeks ago

it is not working since a while image

I think it was broken my me in March when I removed creation of /etc/condor/config.d/90_jobrouter.config in puppet

So even if we have enable_overflow: true in the data/fqdns/vocms*.yaml files, the condor config. variable JAT_ENABLE_OVERFLOW is not set and JobAutoTuner log has

2024-04-08 13:08:04,345:INFO:JobAutoTuner,261:============  JobAutoTuner-py3 starting ==============
2024-04-08 13:08:04,345:ERROR:JobAutoTuner,70:ERR: Could not find/read the config parameter: JAT_ENABLE_OVERFLOW. Not enabling the service! Additional info: Config key not set in condor.
2024-04-08 13:08:04,345:INFO:JobAutoTuner,272:-------------------- was not enabled  --------------------

More changes are needed, because when I set it to True via 99_local_tweaks, log is

2024-06-06 15:58:20,328:INFO:JobAutoTuner,264:-------------------- Routes added by  --------------------
2024-06-06 15:58:20,328:INFO:JobAutoTuner,107:=================== An Overflow object instance start! ===================
2024-06-06 15:58:20,897:ERROR:JobAutoTuner,82:ERR: SubScriptAlarm: at: 2024-06-06 15:58:20.897397 / additional info: 
Overflow failed with exception: 'ServerTime'
Exception: None
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/data/srv/crab/", line 267, in main
  File "/data/srv/crab/", line 256, in run
  File "/data/srv/crab/", line 210, in overflow
    if self.needOverflow(jobObj):
  File "/data/srv/crab/", line 177, in needOverflow
    currIdleTime = jobObject["ServerTime"] - jobObject["QDate"]
KeyError: 'ServerTime'
2024-06-06 15:58:20,905:INFO:JobAutoTuner,273:===================================================================

So two action items, and no quick solution:

belforte commented 3 weeks ago

the problem with ServerTime is very strange, it is always defined

belforte@vocms0137/crab> condor_q -con 'jobuniverse==5&&jobstatus==1' -af servertime|uniq

seems problem with python bindings. There was a bug in HTC that made it go missing, was fixed in 10.0.2


[crabtw@vocms0137 ~]$ python3
Python 3.9.18 (main, Jan 24 2024, 00:00:00) 
[GCC 11.4.1 20231218 (Red Hat 11.4.1-3)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import htcondor
>>> htcondor.version()
'$CondorVersion: 10.2.0 2023-01-05 BuildID: 621409 PackageID: 10.2.0-1 $'
>>> constraint="jobuniverse==5"
>>> projection=['ServerTime']
>>> sk=htcondor.Schedd()
>>> rr=sk.query(constraint, projection)
>>> rr[0]
[  ]

while from my account, where I have more recent bindings in my local

belforte@vocms0137/~> python3
Python 3.9.18 (main, Jan 24 2024, 00:00:00) 
[GCC 11.4.1 20231218 (Red Hat 11.4.1-3)] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import htcondor
>>> htcondor.version()
'$CondorVersion: 23.7.2 2024-05-16 BuildID: UW_Python_Wheel_Build $'
>>> constraint="jobuniverse==5"
>>> projection=['ServerTime']
>>> sk=htcondor.Schedd()
>>> rr=sk.query(constraint, projection)
>>> rr[0]
[ ServerTime = 1717687105 ]

looks like 10.2.0 is some separate branch (non LTS) which did not get the fix.

Of course we could use time.time() instead, since script runs on same machine as the scheduler, no reason to ask the scheduler what the time is !

belforte commented 3 weeks ago

puppet hiera fixed via