Closed belforte closed 6 days ago
note this
maybe we need to keep Request_GPUs
in the Job.submit
file but make sure it does not go in the dagboostrap submission
Not sure about RequiresGPU
maybe all of this is useless
Lack of cleanup strikes back :-(
for reference, here's the user's config file
config = config()
# General settings
config.General.requestName = 'gpu_test_job'
config.General.workArea = 'testcrabgpu_nov12_1'
config.General.transferOutputs = True
config.General.transferLogs = True
# JobType settings
config.JobType.pluginName = 'PrivateMC'
config.JobType.psetName = ''
config.JobType.allowUndistributedCMSSW = True
config.JobType.scriptExe = './' # Shell script that runs the Python job
config.JobType.inputFiles = ['', '', 'FrameworkJobReport.xml'] # Include Python code and shell script
config.JobType.outputFiles = ['gpu_output.txt'] # Expected output file
config.JobType.maxMemoryMB = 2000
config.JobType.maxJobRuntimeMin = 100
config.Data.outputPrimaryDataset = 'GPU_Test_Dataset'
config.Data.splitting = 'EventBased' # Splitting type for non-CMSSW jobs
config.Data.unitsPerJob = 1
config.Data.totalUnits = 1
#config.Data.outLFNDirBase = '/store/user/aherrera' # Output directory for job results
config.Data.publication = False
#config.Data.secondaryInputFiles = ['root://']
# Site settings
config.Site.storageSite = 'T3_US_FNALLPC'
#config.Site.whitelist = ['T2_US_Caltech', 'T2_US_Florida', 'T2_US_Purdue', 'T2_US_Wisconsin']
config.Site.requireAccelerator = True # Specify supports GPUs
removing the lines indicated above made dag bootstrap run and submit jobs. But my test submission is not getting matched in the global pool.
I have asked SI for help:
there is some special problem with KIT. Once I extended the possible site list job ran immediately at T2_US_Wisconsin. The fact that it was restricted to KIT was due to the current dysfunctional JobRouter. I turned it off.
closed via #8796
The problem is that the initial dag bootstrap job submitted to scheduler universe requires one GPU.
Need to convert "Request_GPUs" to "CRAB_Request_GPUs".
so the dag boostrap stay idle forever