dmwm / DAS

Data Aggregation System
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No results, dataset=/ReggeGribovPartonMC_EposLHC_pPb_4080_4080/pPb816Spring16GS-80X_mcRun2_asymptotic_v17-v1/GEN-SIM (10 Sep 2016 22:28:15 GMT) #4262

Closed gsfs closed 7 years ago

gsfs commented 7 years ago

DAS fails to process your query. DAS status: 'fail', reason='Resulting document after update is larger than 16777216' DAS server info: {'dascore': {'DASCore:PluginTaskManager': {'full': False, 'nworkers': 50, 'qsize': 0, 'unfinished': 30411}}, 'dasweb': {'reqmgr': {'nrequest': 0, 'requests': []}}, 'nrequests': 0, 'nworkers': 50} If you unsatisfied with provided status, feel free to submit DAS ticket for further investigation.

Resulting document after update is larger than 16777216

boudoul commented 7 years ago

Dear DAS experts , let me report that I also have the same issue , the simple query dataset=/PYTHIA6_MinBias_TuneZ2star_14TeV/TTI2023Upg14GS-FLATBS15_DES23_62_V1-v1/GEN-SIM is leading to the same error message as reported by @gsfs

vkuznet commented 7 years ago

Duplicate of #4261