dmwm / DAS

Data Aggregation System
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status filter not working #4291

Closed aperloff closed 6 years ago

aperloff commented 6 years ago

Every time I try to filter for datasets with a specific status DAS doesn't seem to understand the query (even though the FAQ says it should). I am using the command dataset dataset=/TTToSemiLeptonic_TuneCP5_13TeV-powheg-pythia8/RunIISpring18MiniAOD-100X_upgrade2018_realistic_v10_ext1-v1/MINIAODSIM status=VALID* and instead of listing the datasets (or none), I get a confusing error message: screen shot 2018-08-21 at 9 27 14 am Am I formatting the query incorrectly or is this a bug? It would be helpful if, in addition to the number of events and dataset size, the status of the dataset was displayed so we knew when one is in production, valid, or otherwise.

vkuznet commented 6 years ago

Alexx, seems like we hit a bug and I need to fix it (the problem is status=VALID* needs transformation internally in DBS APIs).

But, DAS by default queries ONLY valid datasets when user specifies a pattern or it give dataset info if user specify full dataset name regardless of its status.

So, I think what you need to check statuses of datasets is the following DAS query:

dataset dataset= status=*

In your case it would be dataset dataset=/TTToSemiLeptonic_TuneCP5_13TeV-powheg-pythia8/RunIISpring18MiniAOD-100X_upgrade2018_realistic_v10_ext1-v1/ status= or

dataset dataset=/TTToSemiLeptonic_TuneCP5_13TeV-powheg-pythia8/RunIISpring18MiniAOD-100X_upgrade2018_realistic_v10_ext1-v1/MINIAODSIM status=

But I still need to fix the error message from DBS you have shown.

Best, Valentin.

On 0, Alexx Perloff wrote:

Every time I try to filter for datasets with a specific status DAS doesn't seem to understand the query (even though the FAQ says it should). I am using the command dataset dataset=/TTToSemiLeptonic_TuneCP5_13TeV-powheg-pythia8/RunIISpring18MiniAOD-100X_upgrade2018_realistic_v10_ext1-v1/MINIAODSIM status=VALID* and instead of listing the datasets (or none), I get a confusing error message: screen shot 2018-08-21 at 9 27 14 am Am I formatting the query incorrectly or is this a bug? It would be helpful if, in addition to the number of events and dataset size, the status of the dataset was displayed so we knew when one is in production, valid, or otherwise.

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aperloff commented 6 years ago

Okay, thank you for the workaround. Good luck fixing the bug.

vkuznet commented 6 years ago

fixed, in production, closing the ticket.