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Different dict information displayed in the ReqMgr and the injected one [taskChain] #3891

Closed amaltaro closed 11 years ago

amaltaro commented 12 years ago

Dear Developers,

it seems there is an inconsistency between the dictionary injected into ReqMgr to create a workflow/request and the information that is shown in the ReqMgr page.

Here [1] is the dictionary used in one injection and here [2] is the dictionary that I see in the ReqMgr page. As we can see, Task1 and Task2 has no value in the webpage.

I'm using testbed and here is the requestName: amaltaro_RVRunMinBias2011A_120618_111224_5981

Thanks, Alan.

[1] {'AcquisitionEra': 'ReleaseValidation', 'CMSSWVersion': 'CMSSW_5_3_2', 'CouchDBName': 'reqmgr_config_cache', 'CouchURL': '', 'GlobalTag': u'GR_R_53_V2::All', 'Group': 'DATAOPS', 'ProcessingVersion': 'v1', 'RequestString': 'RVRunMinBias2011A', 'RequestType': 'TaskChain', 'Requestor': 'amaltaro', 'ScramArch': 'slc5_amd64_gcc462', 'SiteWhitelist': ['T1_CH_CERN', 'T1_US_FNAL'], 'Task1': {'ConfigCacheID': '2a9ee3f68cf5c0f9f153db9c9455f560', 'InputDataset': '/MinimumBias/Run2011A-v1/RAW', 'RunWhitelist': [165121], 'SplittingAlgorithm': 'LumiBased', 'SplittingArguments': {'lumis_per_job': 10}, 'TaskName': 'HLTD'}, 'Task2': {'ConfigCacheID': '2a9ee3f68cf5c0f9f153db9c9456038b', 'InputFromOutputModule': u'RAWoutput', 'InputTask': 'HLTD', 'SplittingAlgorithm': 'LumiBased', 'SplittingArguments': {'lumis_per_job': 10}, 'TaskName': 'RECODst3'}, 'TaskChain': 2}


stuartw commented 12 years ago

swakef: The information is there - it simply isn't being shown properly.

If you view the source of that page you get: {{{ 'Task1': <WMCore.Configuration.ConfigSection object at 0x104ccb50>, 'Task2': <WMCore.Configuration.ConfigSection object at 0x104ccc10>, }}}

The task configs need to be expanded.

zdenekmaxa commented 12 years ago

maxa: Investigating the problem:

{{{ -> downloading the workload from couch -> alan-schema.pkl import cPickle from WMCore.WMSpec.WMWorkload import WMWorkloadHelper handle = open("alan-schema.pkl") data = cPickle.load(handle) helper = WMWorkloadHelper(data) schema = schema.dictionary_() # ConfigSection instance

-> does not dictionarise internal ConfigSection children


The patch fixes the problem by implementing ConfigSection.dictionary_wholetree() method. The old method ConfigSection.dictionary_() which does not bother about internal ConfigSection children remained since esp. enjoys iterating over items and doing isinstance(x, ConfigSection) itself ...

Steve, please review.

stuartw commented 12 years ago

swakef: I'd be tempted to add a recurse = True argument to dictionary_() instead of adding a new method, as a fully resolved dict is what i would imagine we would want in most cases.

stuartw commented 12 years ago

swakef: Replying to [comment:4 swakef]:

I'd be tempted to add a recurse = True argument to dictionary_() instead of adding a new method, as a fully resolved dict is what i would imagine we would want in most cases.

You could have this value as False by default - but to be honest i'd rather see it recurse by default and change any client code which breaks as a result.

sfoulkes commented 12 years ago

sfoulkes: Replying to [comment:5 swakef]:

Replying to [comment:4 swakef]:

I'd be tempted to add a recurse = True argument to dictionary_() instead of adding a new method, as a fully resolved dict is what i would imagine we would want in most cases.

You could have this value as False by default - but to be honest i'd rather see it recurse by default and change any client code which breaks as a result.

It really should recurse by default. The lack of recursive encoding of dictionaries in the ConfigSection stuff has caused a number of people lots of problems. It should just be fixed.

sfoulkes commented 12 years ago

sfoulkes: I should have read the ticket closer because I thought this was about the inability to use nested dictionaries in a ConfigSection attribute. Anyway, Zdenek's patch looks OK, I think expanding the method to do this by default would be best. New patch combines what I did with what Zdenek did. Stu has the final call.

zdenekmaxa commented 12 years ago

maxa: I was about to do just a single dictionary_(recurse = True) as suggested but it seems that Steve has already been working on this, though I think a wrong patch has been uploaded (mine and Steve's don't really differ).

btw, indeed I was surprised to see that client code ( does the inspection of the configuration instance itself ...

sfoulkes commented 12 years ago

sfoulkes: (In c41d019bb03dc7f45f90b0967e9695fff5a8704a) Handle some issue with the ConfigSection stuff with nested containers and nested ConfigSections. Fixes #3891.

From: Zdenek Maxa Signed-off-by: Steve Foulkes

sfoulkes commented 12 years ago

sfoulkes: Sorry, didn't mean to commit this.

zdenekmaxa commented 12 years ago

maxa: no problem. I am confused here. I meant to implement what you and Stu had suggested but you uploaded a patch containing only my modifications ... Let me know if I am supposed to take any action ...