dmwm / WMCore

Core workflow management components for CMS.
Apache License 2.0
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extract fatal errors from cmsRun log or FrameworkJob report and propagate to WMStats #8051

Closed ticoann closed 6 years ago

ticoann commented 6 years ago

format from cmsRun1-stdout

----- Begin Fatal Exception 08-Aug-2017 21:05:42 CEST-----------------------
An exception of category 'CTPPSDigiOutofRange' occurred while
   [0] Processing  Event run: 300742 lumi: 206 event: 294077500 stream: 5
   [1] Running path 'reconstruction_step'
   [2] Calling method for module CTPPSPixelClusterProducer/'ctppsPixelClusters'
Exception Message:
 row = ÿ  column = ÿ
----- End Fatal Exception -------------------------------------------------
%MSG-e TrackRefitter:  TrackRefitter:hltTrackRefitterForSiStripMonitorTrack  08-Aug-2017 21:05:43 CEST Run: 300742 Event: 293325583

format from FrameworkJobReport.xml

<FrameworkError ExitStatus="8001" Type="Fatal Exception" >
An exception of category 'CTPPSDigiOutofRange' occurred while
   [0] Processing  Event run: 300742 lumi: 206 event: 294077500 stream: 5
   [1] Running path 'reconstruction_step'
   [2] Calling method for module CTPPSPixelClusterProducer/'ctppsPixelClusters'
Exception Message:
 row = ÿ  column = ÿ

amaltaro commented 6 years ago

And don't we propagate this error from the FJR already?

ticoann commented 6 years ago

We do, I am not sure why this happened. I am closing it for now. We will reopen it if it happens again.