dmwm / cmssh

Interactive shell for CMS experiment
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slow response to keypress #17

Closed neggert closed 12 years ago

neggert commented 12 years ago

Sometime in the last few days, cmssh became very slow to respond to keypresses and also drops them if you type too quickly. I've tried reinstalling the newest dev version, rebooting my computer, and running it both in iTerm and The only other oddity I've noticed is that I get an extraneous print asking for my grid password. Here's what it looks like:

[cms] soft/bin/cmssh                                                  10:36:30 
Enter GRID pass phrase:
Your identity: /DC=org/DC=doegrids/OU=People/CN=Nicholas S Eggert 114717
Creating temporary proxy ......................................... Done
Contacting [/DC=ch/DC=cern/OU=computers/] "cms" Done
Creating proxy ........................................ Done
Your proxy is valid until Thu Apr 26 10:36:39 2012

Welcome to pylab, a matplotlib-based Python environment [backend: MacOSX].
For more information, type 'help(pylab)'.
Welcome to cmssh:
[python 2.6.4 (r264:75706, Sep  6 2011, 23:47:05) , ipython 0.12.1]
Darwin Kernel Version 11.3.0: Thu Jan 12 18:47:41 PST 2012; root:xnu-1699.24.23~1/RELEASE_X86_64

Available cmssh commands:
find         search CMS meta-data (query DBS/Phedex/SiteDB)
dbs_instance show/set DBS instance, default is DBS global instance
mkdir/rmdir  mkdir/rmdir command, e.g. mkdir /path/foo or rmdir T3_US_Cornell:/store/user/foo
ls           list file/LFN, e.g. ls local.file or ls /store/user/file.root
rm           remove file/LFN, e.g. rm local.file or rm T3_US_Cornell:/store/user/file.root
cp           copy file/LFN, e.g. cp local.file or cp /store/user/file.root .
info         provides detailed info about given CMS entity, e.g. info run=160915
dqueue       status of download queue, list files which are in progress.
root         invoke ROOT
du           display disk usage for given site, e.g. du T3_US_Cornell

Available CMSSW commands (once you install any CMSSW release):
releases     list available CMSSW releases
install      install CMSSW release, e.g. install CMSSW_5_0_0
cmsrel       switch to given CMSSW release and setup its environment
arch         show or switch to given CMSSW architecture
scram        CMSSW scram command
cmsRun       cmsRun command for release in question

Available GRID commands: <cmd> either grid or voms
<cmd>init     setup your proxy (aka <cmd>-proxy-init)
<cmd>info     show your proxy info (aka <cmd>-proxy-info)

Query results are accessible via results() function:
   find dataset=/*Zee*
   for r in results(): print r, type(r)

Help is accessible via cmshelp <command>

To install python software use pip <search|(un)install> <package>

cms-sh|1> Enter GRID pass phrase:
vkuznet commented 12 years ago

Hmm, I think it is underlying voms proxy daemon. I'll revisit this piece of code. Probably I'll remove daemon and check user credential in cp command only.

vkuznet commented 12 years ago

Nic, you can try now the master branch. I commented out the monitor thread and use check function to see if user proxy is near its expiration. If so, user will get warning message to renew his/her proxy.

neggert commented 12 years ago

That seems to have fixed it. Thanks.