dmy / elm-doc-preview

Elm offline documentation previewer
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Handle documentation for unexposed code #46

Open daniels opened 3 years ago

daniels commented 3 years ago

Thank you for this useful tool! It is really designed in the spirit of Elm and helps guiding me through my documentation task.

Is there any way documentation comments for unexposed functions and types could be added to the generated documentation for applications? I realise this is not how it works on Elm Packages, but on the other hand applications aren't documented there at all.

Use case: I try to document an application for my colleagues, and I think they would appreciate being able to browse the complete documentation with elm-doc-preview. But as I've tried to only expose what is necessary, a large part of the application code is internal to the modules and much of the documentation comments I add doesn't show up in the preview.

Just reading the comments in the code is of course a valid work around, although not as pleasant.