dmytro-anokhin / url-image

AsyncImage before iOS 15. Lightweight, pure SwiftUI Image view, that displays an image downloaded from URL, with auxiliary views and local cache.
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Usage as TabView tabItem image breaks scaling #45

Closed roben closed 4 years ago

roben commented 4 years ago

Summary and/or background

When using URLImage within a tab view, the images are shown larger than the tab bar itself.

OS and what device you are using

Version of URLImage library

What you expected would happen A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

What actually happens When using URLImage within a tab view, the images are shown larger than the tab bar itself. Setting a frame does not have any effect: image

Using the resize processor with 20px size and scale = 1 is a workaround for now but it is ugly and platform dependant.

Sample code

TabView {
    ForEach (self.backends) { (backend: Backend) in
        WebViewControllerWrapper(baseUrl: backend.baseUrl)
            .tabItem {
//                          processors: [ Resize(size: CGSize(width: self.navBarImageSize, height: self.navBarImageSize), scale: 1) ],
                    content:  {
                        .frame(width: self.navBarImageSize, height: self.navBarImageSize)

                }).frame(width: self.navBarImageSize, height: self.navBarImageSize)
    BackendListView().tabItem {
        Image(systemName: "list.dash")
    BackendRegistrationView().tabItem {
        Image(systemName: "")

Test data

Additional information:

dmytro-anokhin commented 4 years ago


SwiftUI allows only text and image tab items. Here's a quote from documentation: "Tab views only support tab items of type Text, Image, or an image followed by text. Passing any other type of view results in a visible but empty tab item."