By using Reflection, it is possible to make certain things easier.
The goal is to make it really easy to add chat-commands for Starfall projects.
V1 code example:
[ChatCommand("test")] // Permission defaults to myself-only.
public static void TestCmd(BasePlayer invoker, string args) {
Assert(invoker == Owner, "BUGCHECK");
printf("Test chat command. args=%s", args);
[ChatCommand("hidden", HideChat=true)] // Hides owner's chat
public static void HideTestCmd(BasePlayer invoker, string args) {
print("Hidden command entered.");
[ChatCommand("join", ChatCommandPermission.Anyone)] // Let anyone run this
public static void JoinCmd(BasePlayer invoker, string args) {
printf("%s has joined the party!", invoker.Name);
The above design could be upgraded by implementing a parser and have arguments fully-typed out method.
V2 code example:
public static void InstallCmd(BasePlayer invoker, string name, int num = 5, bool flag = false) {
printf("Installing... name=%q num=%i flag=%s", name, num, flag);
This version is slightly more complex to make it work, but it would be nicer and more fluent.
To run the command, you'd say:
/install --name "a string here" --flag true
Which should output the following:
By using Reflection, it is possible to make certain things easier. The goal is to make it really easy to add chat-commands for Starfall projects. V1 code example:
The above design could be upgraded by implementing a parser and have arguments fully-typed out method. V2 code example:
This version is slightly more complex to make it work, but it would be nicer and more fluent. To run the command, you'd say:
/install --name "a string here" --flag true
Which should output the following: