I have a very weird issue. The tests pass for some time and after that they stop working. This only happens on some tests.
It errors out with
Run go test -cover -coverprofile=coverage.out
--- FAIL: TestGitlabClient_CreateAccessToken_And_Revoke (0.00s)
Error Trace: /home/runner/work/vault-plugin-secrets-gitlab/vault-plugin-secrets-gitlab/gitlab_client_test.go:229
Error: Received unexpected error:
Post "http://localhost:8080/api/v4/groups/example/access_tokens": requested interaction not found
Test: TestGitlabClient_CreateAccessToken_And_Revoke
--- FAIL: TestGitlabClient_RotateCurrentToken (0.46s)
Error Trace: /home/runner/work/vault-plugin-secrets-gitlab/vault-plugin-secrets-gitlab/gitlab_client_test.go:276
Error: Received unexpected error:
Post "http://localhost:8080/api/v4/personal_access_tokens/6/rotate": requested interaction not found
Test: TestGitlabClient_RotateCurrentToken
--- FAIL: TestPathTokenRolesMultipleConfigs (0.15s)
Error Trace: /home/runner/work/vault-plugin-secrets-gitlab/vault-plugin-secrets-gitlab/path_token_role_multiple_config_test.go:93
Error: Received unexpected error:
Post "http://localhost:8080/api/v4/users/1/personal_access_tokens": requested interaction not found
Test: TestPathTokenRolesMultipleConfigs
--- FAIL: TestWithAdminUser_PAT_AdminUser_GitlabRevokesToken (0.44s)
Error Trace: /home/runner/work/vault-plugin-secrets-gitlab/vault-plugin-secrets-gitlab/with_admin_user_pat_gitlab_revokes_token_test.go:76
Error: Received unexpected error:
Post "http://localhost:8080/api/v4/users/3/personal_access_tokens": requested interaction not found
Test: TestWithAdminUser_PAT_AdminUser_GitlabRevokesToken
--- FAIL: TestWithAdminUser_PAT_AdminUser_VaultRevokesToken (0.15s)
Error Trace: /home/runner/work/vault-plugin-secrets-gitlab/vault-plugin-secrets-gitlab/with_admin_user_pat_vault_revokes_token_test.go:77
Error: Received unexpected error:
Post "http://localhost:8080/api/v4/users/2/personal_access_tokens": requested interaction not found
Test: TestWithAdminUser_PAT_AdminUser_VaultRevokesToken
--- FAIL: TestWithNormalUser_GAT (0.02s)
Error Trace: /home/runner/work/vault-plugin-secrets-gitlab/vault-plugin-secrets-gitlab/with_normal_user_gat_test.go:72
Error: Received unexpected error:
Post "http://localhost:8080/api/v4/groups/example/access_tokens": requested interaction not found
Test: TestWithNormalUser_GAT
--- FAIL: TestWithNormalUser_PersonalAT_Fails (0.10s)
Error Trace: /home/runner/work/vault-plugin-secrets-gitlab/vault-plugin-secrets-gitlab/with_normal_user_personal_at_fails_test.go:72
Error: Error "Post \"http://localhost:8080/api/v4/users/3/personal_access_tokens\": requested interaction not found" does not contain "403 Forbidden"
Test: TestWithNormalUser_PersonalAT_Fails
--- FAIL: TestWithNormalUser_ProjectAT (0.04s)
Error Trace: /home/runner/work/vault-plugin-secrets-gitlab/vault-plugin-secrets-gitlab/with_normal_user_project_at_test.go:77
Error: Received unexpected error:
Post "http://localhost:8080/api/v4/projects/example%2Fexample/access_tokens": requested interaction not found
You can see that only certain tests fail. And they fail usually after some time has passed.
But if you look in the yaml file all the interactions are there.
Do you have any idea why they fail occasionally.
If I regenerate the cassettes, it will work for some time and then it will stop again.
Here is one of the cassettes. Do you know what is going on? Maybe I'm missing something.
I have a very weird issue. The tests pass for some time and after that they stop working. This only happens on some tests.
It errors out with
You can see that only certain tests fail. And they fail usually after some time has passed.
But if you look in the yaml file all the interactions are there.
Do you have any idea why they fail occasionally.
If I regenerate the cassettes, it will work for some time and then it will stop again.
Here is one of the cassettes. Do you know what is going on? Maybe I'm missing something.
And here is the recorder is implemented bellow