Parliament2 requires processing to be performed in the predefined /home/dnanexus location. All inputs and outputs must be there. Current configuration allows processing to be performed in the location where required input BAM file is provided. If input BAM is given at /home/dnanexus path everything will be executed as before so the solution should be backward compatible.
Some scripts on docker image are used by Parliament2 but they do not exist in the github repo so they were added together with modifications that allow this feature.
Parliament2 requires processing to be performed in the predefined /home/dnanexus location. All inputs and outputs must be there. Current configuration allows processing to be performed in the location where required input BAM file is provided. If input BAM is given at /home/dnanexus path everything will be executed as before so the solution should be backward compatible. Some scripts on docker image are used by Parliament2 but they do not exist in the github repo so they were added together with modifications that allow this feature.