dnanhkhoa / nb_black

A simple extension for Jupyter Notebook and Jupyter Lab to beautify Python code automatically using black.
MIT License
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Does not work in VS Code Jupyter Notebooks #19

Open grahamwetzler opened 4 years ago

grahamwetzler commented 4 years ago

Neither %load_ext nb_black nor %load_ext lab_black work with Jupyter Notebooks in Visual Studio Code. There is no error. The code just doesn't format.

michaelaye commented 4 years ago

Can one not simply use the black functionality of VSCode in there?

grahamwetzler commented 4 years ago

The format document command does not appear in the command palette while in a notebook.

MarcoGorelli commented 4 years ago

@grahamwetzler the black functionality in VScode only works on .py files, as far as I can tell.

In case it's useful to you, though, I've made a tool which might be helpful to you - https://github.com/nbQA-dev/nbQA. You can use it via the command-line as

python -m pip install -U nbqa
nbqa black my_notebook.ipynb

It only works via the command-line or as a pre-commit hook though, so it's certainly not a replacement for the excellent tool that black_nb is

pre-commit example:

- repo: https://github.com/nbQA-dev/nbQA
  rev: 1.5.3
    - id: nbqa-black

EDIT: as for 2022, black has a built-in black-jupyter hook, so the above suggestion to use nbQA is no longer necessary

LucasHattoriCosta commented 1 year ago

Just leaving as another suggestion: there is a command for format_cell available in VsCode. In Mac the shortcut is shift+option+F Again, not a real replacement for the excelent tool that is nb_black, but better than having un-linted code 😅

morberg commented 1 year ago

https://github.com/n8henrie/jupyter-black works really well for me.