dnauck / Portable.Licensing

Portable.Licensing is a cross platform software licensing framework which allows you to implement licensing into your application or library. It provides you all tools to create and validate licenses for your software.
MIT License
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Validation messages are not localizable #23

Closed makcakaya closed 9 years ago

makcakaya commented 9 years ago

For example, the message "Licensing for this product has expired!" is not appropriate if the application targets a different language.

Maybe validation should return an enumeration and we should use some kind of dictionary to get the message, and how to resolve information.

dnauck commented 9 years ago

Portable.Licensing has only default english locale strings. It has only two pre defined validation failures:

Both provide default english texts; but you can easily match their type and display your own localized text in your UI. I don't know why we need an extra enum here.

Maybe you can elaborate a bit more, please.

makcakaya commented 9 years ago

Hmm, so we should utilize the type like this:

var failures = _license.Validate().ExpirationDate().And().Signature(publicKey).AssertValidLicense();
foreach(var failure in failures)
    if(failure is LicenseExpiredValidationFailure){ .... }
    else if (failure is InvalidSignatureValidationFailure) {.....}
    else if (failure is GeneralValidationFailure) {..... } // general validation failure
    else { throw InvalidOperationException("Should not happen"); }

This solves my problem.